Best Deadlock PC Settings for FPS

In a game with high stakes, such as Deadlock, it is essential to fine-tune the settings in order to achieve optimal performance.

After undergoing a not-so-secret playtest for several months, Deadlock has been officially acknowledged by Valve, giving the world a glimpse of the early form of this unique hero shooter MOBA crossover.

Having received the elusive developers’ approval, Deadlock has quickly become a highly anticipated game, drawing in thousands of players who are already active online.

If you are fortunate enough to have gained access to the playtest, you may have noticed the presence of some performance issues. This is not surprising, considering the fact that the game is currently in its early stages of development.

Therefore, these are the optimal settings to maximize the game’s FPS performance.

Optimal video settings for Deadlock

These are the top settings to optimize your FPS in Deadlock:

  • Window Mode: Borderless Window
  • Aspect Ratio: 16×9
  • Resolution: Preferably 1920 x 1080 on 144 Hz to 240 Hz
  • Upscaling: Stretch
  • Render Quality: 70%
  • Anti-Aliasing: None
  • Screen Space AO: Low
  • Distance Field AO: Low
  • Textrure Quality: Low
  • VSync: Off
  • Distance Field Shadows: Off
  • Displacement Mapping: Off
  • Post Proccess Bloom: Off
  • Effects Bloom: Off
  • Area Lights: Off
  • Depth of Field: Off
  • Distance Field Reflections: Off
  • MBOIT: Off
Deadlock video settings

It might not make the game pretty but these settings will maximize your FPS

The graphics may not be the most visually appealing, but with varying PC specifications, you can still expect to achieve triple-digit FPS.

By adjusting these settings, you can maximize your PC’s FPS and minimize latency.

For optimal performance, we recommend a monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and a refresh rate of at least 144 Hz. However, we understand that not everyone may have access to such specifications. In that case, please select the 1920 x 1080 option and use the highest refresh rate supported by your monitor.

Nevertheless, if you wish to adjust these settings for a more visually appealing experience, Valve has thoughtfully included descriptions for each setting. This will allow you to determine whether increasing an option is necessary based on what you want to highlight.

Optimal audio settings for Deadlock

The optimal audio settings for Deadlock are listed below.

  • Master Volume: Your preference
  • Game Sound: 100%
  • Menu Music Volume: Your Preference
  • Voice Chat Volume: 50%
  • Speaker Configuration: Headphones
  • Mic Trigger Threshold: 0%
  • Open Mic: Off
  • Push To Talk: V
Deadlock audio settings

If you’ve used our settings on it should look like this

While audio preferences can vary greatly from person to person, use this as a starting point to discover the ideal settings that suit your individual needs.

We trust that you will adjust the Master and Menu Music volumes to your liking, as everyone has their own individual preference. Currently, we have disabled the Menu Music and set the Master volume to 85%, but we acknowledge that your settings may vary.

Furthermore, we have kept the Mic Trigger Threshold at 0% and disabled Open Mic feature. This precaution is to ensure that you do not disrupt your teammates with any unwanted noises that may be transmitted into the game and disturb other players.

We have also switched the default Push To Talk button from T to V as most players are accustomed to using V as their microphone button.

All of these settings are merely suggestions, and it is not necessary to adhere to them precisely. Therefore, feel free to experiment and make adjustments as you see fit.

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