Best Devices in XDefiant: Ranked list

XDefiant offers a variety of Devices that can effectively disrupt your opponents’ strategies and turn the tide of battle in your favor. Below is a comprehensive ranking of all the Devices available in XDefiant, along with their effects and the ideal Factions to pair them with.

In XDefiant, selecting Devices is crucial for a well-rounded build. Every Faction has access to these tools, which are essential for outsmarting opponents in all of XDefiant’s game modes.

Presented below is a comprehensive list of all Devices in XDefiant, ranked according to their effectiveness and accompanied by instructions on how to unlock them. Additionally, the most suitable faction to pair each Device with is also provided.

XDefiant Devices Ranked

XDefiant features a total of five Devices, each with its own unique purpose. To determine the most useful and versatile ones within the game, we have compiled a ranking of these Devices.

  1. Proximity Mine
  2. Sticky Grenade
  3. Flashbang Grenade
  4. EMP Grenade
  5. Frag Grenade

It should be noted that as the game introduces new Devices in future seasons, there may be additions or alterations to this ranked list.

Top XDefiant Devices

Frag Grenade

Frag Grenade in XDefiant

The Frag Grenade will help you deal with groups of enemies in XDefiant.

In XDefiant, the Frag Grenade is the go-to throwable device that can be utilized in a variety of situations, causing explosive damage in the designated area.

The ideal Faction for utilizing this Device is Echelon because the Digital Ghillie Suit enables them to maintain their invisibility while deploying grenades and mines. Pairing the Frag Grenade with weapons like the P90 or Double Barrel is effective in flushing out opponents who may be concealed behind cover.

This Device is beneficial in situations such as Escort, Occupy, and Zone Control, where players are grouped together in confined areas, making them more vulnerable to the Frag Grenade.

The Frag Grenade will be available as a starter Device in X Defiant, eliminating the need to unlock it through a challenge.

4. EMP Grenade

The EMP Grenade in XDefiant

The EMP Grenade is an ability disruption Device.

When it comes to usefulness, the XDefiant EMP Grenade stands slightly above the other Devices due to its ability to temporarily disrupt and disable enemy deployable abilities. However, its effect is not as long-lasting as other disruptive Devices and has a smaller area of effect.

The perfect solution to combat El Remedio and Mag Barrier is this Device, and the most effective Faction to pair it with is Cleaners. Their abilities, particularly the Incinerator Drone, are no match for this kit.

The Escort and Occupy game modes require this Device as it is essential for defending teams to use defensive abilities. For best results, pair it with an LMG like the M60 to effectively eliminate groups of enemies protecting targets.

To obtain the EMP Grenade, it is necessary to cause 400 damage to enemy equipment using any Device.

3. Flashbang Grenade

Flashbang Grenade in XDefiant

The Flashbang Grenade is great for crowd control, but beware not to blind yourself.

The Flashbang Grenade is an incredibly valuable tool in XDefiant as it creates a powerful disruption by impairing vision and hearing of enemies within a wide radius. Due to its effectiveness, it can be difficult to defend against. This disorienting effect lasts for approximately 3.5 seconds, providing ample opportunity to eliminate multiple disoriented opponents.

Utilize this Device with the Echelon Faction and their covert abilities to give your team the advantage in defending against ambushes. It is particularly effective in countering camping players, as they will have little time to react when you throw it over their hiding spots. This combination is the best way to ensure your team maintains the upper hand.

Combining the Flashbang Grenade with a versatile weapon such as the MDR can create a formidable build for taking out adversaries positioned in crucial areas during Escort or Occupy matches.

To obtain the Flashbang Grenade in X Defiant, one must defeat 25 enemies who are affected by Status Conditions such as burning, blindness, or electrocution.

Sticky Grenade

Sticky Grenade in XDefiant

The Sticky Grenade is a powerful tool, if you master it you’ll become unstoppable.

The Sticky Grenade, ranked as the second-best Device in XDefiant, is a dependable explosive that adheres to surfaces or enemies and detonates after a short delay. While its blast radius is smaller than the Frag Grenade, its destructive power is comparable to the Proximity Mine.

The Libertad Faction is the ideal choice for utilizing a Sticky Grenade due to their limited offensive capabilities. This device is highly effective in inflicting damage.

This Device’s versatility makes it an ideal choice for any game mode, as it can easily be incorporated into various builds and tactics.

Combining the Sticky Grenade with a highly maneuverable weapon such as the Vector.45 or the MP5A2 will provide a significant tactical edge when facing clustered groups of enemies. In situations where you are being targeted by a small group of enemies, utilizing a Sticky Grenade can disperse them.

To acquire the Sticky Grenade in XDefiant, you must cause 25 Status Conditions with Devices. This can be easily achieved if you have already obtained the Flashbang Grenade.

1. Proximity Mine – Best Device in XDefiant

Proximity Mine in XDefiant

The Proximity Mine can be a good way to cover your back.

The Proximity Mine featured in XDefiant is unparalleled when it comes to offensive Devices. Merely approaching a Proximity Mine guarantees a swift demise. These powerful explosives inflict immense damage over a wide radius and have the potential to eliminate multiple opponents simultaneously.

Utilizing the Echelon Faction to strategically place Mines behind enemy lines in Domination or near spawning areas in Zone Control can significantly impact the enemy team. However, its true potential is showcased in Escort – Defense mode, particularly when paired with the DedSec Faction. With the ability to deploy up to two mines simultaneously and an endless supply, the Echelon Faction’s Device proves to be a valuable asset in this mode.

Sniper Rifles are the perfect choice of weapons to pair with Proximity Mines. These Devices can be used to fortify your sniping location, ensuring that you are not caught off guard by players trying to ambush you from behind.

To acquire Proximity Mine in XDefiant, one must simply deal 1000 damage to players using Devices, which is a relatively simple task.

It is important to keep in mind that every loadout and ability in XDefiant has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the following Devices have been ranked as the best and using them will definitely aid in leveling up your Battle Pass.

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