Best Diablo 4 Landslide Druid Builds in Season 5

The Landslide Druid build in Diablo 4 is renowned for its ability to inflict heavy damage on individual enemies and can also be effective in applying status effects to foes. For those opting for the Landslide Druid in Season 5, it is essential to be familiar with the most effective leveling, endgame, and PvP builds for this type of character.

The Landslide Druid is a highly sought-after option for Druid builds during the Season of the Infernal Hordes. This build is known for its powerful Landslide skill, which enables players to deal significant damage on their own. In comparison, the Companion Druid relies on the assistance of allies for focused damage.

To ensure the success of your Landslide Druid build in Season 5, it is important to have the proper skills, gear, Aspects, and Glyphs. Below, you will find all the necessary details to assist you in constructing this build.

Top Landslide Druid Build for Diablo 4 Season 5

Diablo 4 Druid in yellow gear
Blizzard Entertainment

In order for this Landslide build to be effective, your Druid must unlock the appropriate skills in the correct sequence from level one to level 50. The following is the recommended leveling process:

Level Skill
1 Wind Shear
2 Enhanced Wind Shear
3 Landslide
4 Enhanced Landslide
5 Primal Landslide
6 Fierce Wind Shear
7 Blood Howl
8 Enhanced Blood Howl
9 Landslide
10 Landslide
11 Innate Blood Howl
12 Poison Creeper
13 Enhanced Poison Creeper
14 Ferocious Poison Creeper
15 Landslide
16 Landslide
17 Trample
18 Enhanced Trample
19 Savage Trample
20 Poison Creeper
21 Poison Creeper
22 Poison Creeper
23 Poison Creeper
24 Petrify
25 Prime Petrify
26 Supreme Petrify
27 Nature’s Reach
28 Nature’s Reach
29 Nature’s Reach
30 Neurotoxin
31 Envenom
32 Envenom
33 Envenom
34 Ursine Strength
35 Heart of the Wild
36 Wild Impulses
37 Wild Impulses
38 Wild Impulses
39 Defiance
40 Defiance
41 Defiance
42 Crushing Earth
43 Safeguard
44 Crushing Earth
45 Crushing Earth
46 Stone Guard
47 Stone Guard
48 Stone Guard
49 Abundance
Renown 1 Abundance
Renown 2 Abundance
Renown 3 Ancestral Fortitude
Renown 4 Circle of Life
Renown 5 Circle of Life
Renown 6 Circle of Life
Renown 7 Resonance
Renown 8 Resonance
Renown 9 Resonance
Renown 10 Safeguard

As you level up and earn skill points and Renown points, it is important to prioritize acquiring these skills until you reach level 50. Whether you are playing the campaign or simply leveling up, you will have an easier time defeating enemy waves with these skills.

The main source of your damage is through skills such as Landslide, Wind Shear, and Trample. Additionally, you possess the Defensive Skill Blood Howl, which allows you to heal yourself while also summoning Poison Creepers for sideline damage.

Petrify is an excellent Ultimate ability that both Stuns and Petrifies enemies, increasing your Critical Strike Damage. Additionally, as you continue to level up, you will gain access to numerous helpful Passive Skills that will enhance both your survivability and damage output.

Just a friendly reminder, utilizing Smouldering Ashes to gain an EXP boost in the Season 5 Battle Pass will significantly speed up your journey to reaching level 50.

Best Spirit Boons for Leveling

Diablo 4 Druid Spirit Boons

Druids have access to 16 different Spirit Boons, but they can only select five. For leveling your Landslide Druid, we suggest choosing the following Spirit Boons:

  • Deer: Advantageous Beast
  • Eagle: Swooping Attacks, Avian Wrath
  • Wolf: Pack Leader
  • Snake: Calm Before the Storm

The first Spirit Boon to prioritize is Pack Leader, as it grants your Critical Strikes a chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills. This would greatly benefit Poison Creeper, allowing for more frequent use of this powerful Companion Skill.

Furthermore, you can unlock Advantageous Beast to receive a boost in Movement Speed and a reduction in Impairment. Additionally, Avian Wrath provides extra Critical Strike Damage and Swooping Attacks grants an Attack Speed buff.

As your final Spirit Boon, Calm Before the Storm provides a slight chance for your Nature Magic Skills to decrease the cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by a few seconds. This will be particularly useful in your leveling build, especially for the Petrify Ultimate.

Best Leveling Rotation

  • Poison Creeper
  • Wind Shear
  • Landslide
  • Petrify
  • Trample
  • Blood Howl

For your Landslide Druid, here is the recommended leveling rotation. Begin by using Poison Creeper to inflict Poison damage and Immobilize enemies. Then, use Wind Shear to make them Vulnerable.

Now you can utilize your greatest ability, Landslide, to both immobilize and inflict massive damage upon your enemies. Finish off any remaining foes by employing Petrify, which not only increases your critical strike damage but also traps enemies in stone.

Utilize Trample, which grants Unstoppable status and also generates Spirit. If your health is low, use Blood Howl to heal yourself. Continue with this rotation for effortless combat encounters.

Legendary Aspects

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While you are still in the process of leveling up this build, be sure to acquire the many useful Legendary Aspects that will aid you on your journey towards the endgame. Keep an eye out for the following Aspects specifically designed for the Landslide Druid build:

Aspect Power Dungeon Region
Aspect of the Calm Breeze Wind Shear deals Poison damage over a few seconds. It also has a small chance to fully restore you Spirit. Grinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes
Aspect of Quicksand Damage from Earth Skills Slow enemies for a few seconds. Feral’s Den Scosglen
Aspect of Retaliation Your Core Skills deal increased damage based on your Forify amount. Seaside Descent Dry Steppes
Rapid Aspect Basic Weills gain an Attack Speed boost. Buried Halls Dry Steppes
Ballistic Aspect Earth Skills gain two Ranks when you have Fortify. Whispering Pines Scosglen

Optimal Landslide Druid build for Diablo 4 Season 5 endgame

Diablo 4 two Druids
Blizzard Entertainment

After reaching the endgame phase and completing the Of Lambs and Wolves questline, you can transition your leveling build to an endgame build. While the overall structure of the build remains similar, there are several significant adjustments that need to be made.

Active Skills

Active Skill Upgrades Points Allocated
Storm Strike Enhanced 1
Lightning Storm 5
Landslide Enhanced, Primal 5
Earthen Bulwark Enhanced 1
Blood Howl Enhanced, Preserving 1
Poison Creeper Enhanced, Ferocious 1
Petrify Prime, Supreme 1

The Active Skill arsenal has been revised to include only Storm Strike, Lightning Storm, and Earthen Bulwark. Storm Strike is a Basic Skill that both generates Spirit and immobilizes enemies, while Lightning Storm, which will not be on your hotbar, will instead be triggered by the Nature’s Fury Passive.

Additionally, our Druid can also utilize Earthen Bulwark, a skill that bestows a safeguarding Barrier. Aside from these three abilities, all of your other skills will remain unchanged.

Passive Skills

Passive Skill Points Allocated
Heart of the Wild 1
Wild Impulses 3
Ancestral Fortitude 2
Vigilance 3
Crushing Earth 3
Stone Guard 3
Safeguard 1
Neurotoxin 1
Envenom 3
Defiance 1
Natural Disaster 3
Circle of Life 2
Defensive Posture 3
Quickshift 3
Nature’s Fury 1

In the endgame Landslide Druid build, there are only a few noteworthy new Passives. One of these is Quickshift, which increases your damage output after Shapeshifting. This is particularly useful when utilizing Blood Howl.

Furthermore, Natural Disaster enhances the power of Earth Skills such as Landslide, in addition to causing enemies to become Vulnerable. Moreover, this Passive enables your Storm Skills to deal increased damage to enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.

Best Spirit Boons for endgame

  • Deer: Wariness
  • Eagle: Iron Feather OR Swooping Attacks, Avian Wrath
  • Wolf: Pack Leader
  • Snake: Calm Before the Storm

During the endgame, your Druid Spirit Boons should stay relatively unchanged. However, it is recommended that you replace Advantageous Beast with Wariness, as this Deer Boon will provide you with the ability to take less damage from Elites, which are likely to be a constant presence in endgame tasks.

You could also consider using Iron Feather instead of Swooping Attacks (increased Attack Speed) during tasks like Nightmare Dungeons or The Pit in order to improve your chances of survival, as it will raise your Maximum Life.

To reiterate, Avian Wrath increases the damage of Critical Strikes and Pack Leader has a chance to reset your Companion Skill Cooldowns when you land a Critical Strike. Additionally, Calm Before the Storm grants your Nature Magic Skills a chance to decrease your Ultimate Cooldown.

Best Endgame Rotation

Diablo 4 Druid casting Petrify
  • Poison Creeper
  • Earthen Bulwark
  • Storm Strike
  • Petrify
  • Landslide
  • Blood Howl

With three different skills activated, the endgame rotation operates in a slightly altered manner. Begin by utilizing Poison Creeper to Poison and Immobilize enemies in close proximity. Afterwards, employ Earthen Bulwark to shield yourself with a Barrier and render yourself Unstoppable.

Afterwards, you have the option to apply Storm Strike to your foes, causing them to become Immobilized. Then, utilize Petrify to trap enemies in solid stone and boost your Critical Strike Damage against them.

After utilizing that buff, inflict the most damage to your opponents by using Landslide. Conclude the rotation by activating Blood Howl if you have sustained injuries and require some healing.

Top Legendary Aspects

Even though your Landslide Druid already possesses a considerable number of Legendary Aspects, there are a few additional ones that can enhance this endgame build. Acquiring these Aspects will ensure that your build remains effective in the higher World Tiers.

Aspect Power Dungeon Region Obol Gamble
Crashstone Aspect Earth Skills deal increased Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled enemies. Stockades Scosglen Offhands
Aspect of the Aftershock Landslide’s earth pillars each strike a second time and deal bonus damage per hit. Offhands
Aspect of Rushing Wilds Casting a Companion Skill grants you increased Movement Speed for a few seconds. Boots
Nighthowler’s Aspect Blood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance. Also, Blood Howl affects nearby players for a few seconds. Forbidden City Fractured Peaks Ohhands
Aspect of Mending Stone Duration of Earthen Bulwark increased by a few seconds. Also, killing an enemy replenishes some of your active Barrier. Sealed Archives Dry Steppes Pants
Subterranean Aspect Poison Creeper’s active also casts Landslide around you. Earth Skills deal increased damage to Poisoned enemies. Offhands

Paragon Board

Diablo 4 Landslide Druid casting Poison Creeper

Upon reaching level 50, Paragon Points will become available for you to allocate on your Paragon Board. In addition, you can also equip Glyphs on the board to enhance your endgame Landslide Druid setup.

Within the vast array of Glyphs available, these are the suggested ones to place on your board.

Best Glyphs

  • Human
  • Earth and Sky
  • Undaunted
  • Outmatch
  • Spirit
  • Territorial

If you want to boost your Druid’s Nature Magic Skills, Damage Reduction, and overall damage output, these six Glyphs are perfect for you. They will greatly aid your Druid in levels 50-100.

Best Landslide Druid endgame item build

There is a wide range of gear options available for your Landslide Druid in the endgame. While certain choices may be Legendary items, the majority of them are Uniques, making them more challenging to obtain.

These items were specifically chosen for their ability to enhance your Landslide Druid through their Legendary Aspects, providing a significant power boost. Make sure to watch for these items:

Item Socket Item type Power
Vasily’s Prayer Ruby for extra life Helm Earth Skills are now also Werebear Skills that Fortify you for a portion of your Maximum Health.
Symbiotic Runic Mail Ruby for extra life Chest Armor When Nature’s Fury Passive triggers a free skill, your non-Ultimate Cooldowns of the opposite type are reduced by a few seconds.
Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps Gloves Lightning Storm gains an additional strike anytime it grows. Also, its Critical Strikes cause lightning to strike twice to deal increased damage.
Tibault’s Will Ruby for extra life Pants Deal increased damage while Unstoppable for a few seconds. Also, when you become Unstoppable, gain some Primary Resource.
Wildheart Hunger Boots When you Shapeshift, you gain Wildheart for a few seconds. This grants you increased stacking damage every two seconds, up to 60%.
Bone Blade of the Aftershock Emerald for extra Critical Strike Damage Main Weapon Landslide’s earth pillars each strike a second time and deal bonus damage per hit.
Ancient Effigy of Retaliation Emerald for extra Critical Strike Damage Offhand Weapon Core Skills deal increased damage based on your Fortify amount.
Amulet of Natural Balance Diamond for extra resistance to all elements Amulet Casting a Storm Skill grants your Earth Skills increased Critical Strike Damage for a couple of seconds. Also, casting an Earth Skill increases Critical Strike Chance of Storm Skills for a few seconds.
Earthbreaker Diamond for extra resistance to all elements Ring 1 Casts of Landslide leave behind Tectonic Spikes that deal Physical damage. Spawning a Landslide pillar within Tectonic Spikes has a chance to spawn two instead.
Subterranean Ring Diamond for extra resistance to all elements Ring 2 Poison Creeper’s active skill also casts Landslide around you. Earth Skills deal increased damage to Poisoned enemies.

Just a friendly reminder, make sure to farm Mother’s Gifts in order to receive some of the top loot available this season.

Best Landslide Druid Build for PvP

Fortunately, the Landslide Druid remains the top choice for PvP in the Fields of Hatred during Season 5.

The Landslide Druid is especially effective against individual targets and nearby foes. With a variety of skills at your disposal, you can inflict debilitating Status Effects on enemy players before finishing them off with your powerful attacks.

Having learned all there is to know about building a Landslide Druid in Season of the Infernal Hordes, you may also be interested in the placement of Druids on our current Diablo 4 class tier list.

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