Best Overwatch 2 DPS Tier List for Season 11: Most Popular Characters

The meta in Overwatch 2 is constantly evolving, especially for the DPS line, with a wide range of Heroes to select from. As a result, we have compiled the ultimate Overwatch 2 DPS tier list for Season 11.

No matter if you’re new to the game, play for fun, or have extensive experience, this compilation serves as the ultimate resource for dominating the battlefield. Without further ado, let’s explore our selection of top Overwatch 2 DPS heroes.

According to the information provided on Overbuff and our personal observations of the meta, this is the comparative ranking of various DPS heroes.

Table of Contents

S Tier

Continuous Monitoring System

Overwatch 2 Tracer in Pride Midtown map

Despite not receiving any updates in Season 11, Tracer remains a highly sought-after hero in numerous maps. With her exceptional ability to disrupt enemy backlines, accurately track enemy Tracers, and excel in dive situations, she is an invaluable addition to any team composition.


Sojourn in OW2

Sojourn is one of the strongest heroes in the hands of a capable player.

While Sojourn’s balance was only technically changed, her recent adjustments actually resulted in a significant buff, solidifying her position as the top hitscan hero. With the primary fire rate of her railgun increased and improved accuracy for collateral hits, she has become the ideal DPS character, boasting both mobility and AOE damage.

A Tier


OW2 Cassidy
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite the dominance of Tracer in the meta, Cassidy provided a reliable solution for keeping the pesky Tracers away from the backline. The Magnetic Grenade was a powerful tool for threatening them.

After the recent rework of Cassidy’s Grenade to function like a flashbang, he has become less of a threat to Tracers. The decrease in damage for Fan the Hammer has also contributed to this. Nevertheless, he remains a strong choice for hitscan players, although not as effective against dive heroes as before.

Player Spotlight: Ashe

A screenshot featuring Ashe in Overwatch 2.

The DPS passive has made Ashe a more viable choice. Her strong poke capabilities allow her to gradually chip away at enemy heroes and occasionally secure a pick. Bob remains an exceptional ultimate that can wreak havoc on opposing teams if positioned correctly.


A screenshot featuring Venture from Overwatch 2.

Upon entering Season 10, Venture fits seamlessly into the current dive/brawl meta. Despite not possessing as much mobility as other heroes, Venture remains a formidable DPS in terms of taking out more fragile targets.


Overwatch 2 Sombra rework unveiled

As Season 10 wrapped up, it seemed that Sombra’s relevance in the meta was diminishing. However, in Season 11, she found herself in a distinctive position. Although she may not always be a valuable choice, she shines when facing troublesome tanks and supports such as Mauga and Zenyatta, making her an excellent option to have in your pocket.

reaper in overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Reaper’s strength lies in his ability to effectively take down tanks, a role in which he excels. His minor buffs in Season 11 further showcase his prowess in this area. While not the best choice for long-range maps, he is a valuable DPS when facing Winstons or Maugas in close-range brawl compositions. Like Sombra, Reaper is best utilized as a niche pick.

B Tier – Video Game Ranking

Soldier 76

soldier 76 pose in overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite sharing a similar role as a front-to-back DPS with Sojourn, Soldier 76 lacks her ability to deal significant damage with a single shot and her superior mobility. Although he benefits from the new DPS passive and has improved projectile accuracy, these features are not enough to compensate for his deficiencies compared to Sojourn. As a result, he is ranked lower on the list.



Despite Echo’s effectiveness in high level gameplay, she remains a challenging hero for the majority of players. Her exceptional mobility and powerful damage, paired with the highly valuable ultimate ability to copy opponents, make her a formidable force. However, mastering Echo’s abilities requires a great amount of skill, as she can be unstoppable in the hands of a skilled player but easily struggles with an inexperienced one.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn

Despite being a niche character in Overwatch 2, Torbjorn remains a strong anti-dive option in the current meta. However, many players feel that there are still improvements to be made to his kit.


Mei in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Similarly to Torbjorn, Mei remains resistant to the various changes happening around her. Although her kit remains unchanged, she has not been performing as successfully in Season 11, especially when there are numerous other viable options to choose from.


OW2 Widowmaker
Blizzard Entertainment

In recent seasons, Widowmaker has experienced a revival, but in Season 11, she has become more of a situational choice, only considered effective on certain maps such as Havana or Circuit Royale. However, she can be easily countered by a skilled dive and a Winston targeting her.


overwatch 2 bastion redesign
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite being in Season 11, Bastion remains a viable option. He continues to deal high bursts of damage, however his lack of versatility is a concern as he relies heavily on support to perform at his best, which is not ideal for a DPS.


ow2 hanzo arrow hitbox
Blizzard Entertainment

Hanzo is often considered to be a less powerful version of Widowmaker. Due to his inability to instantly eliminate opponents from a distance, his abilities may not be as effective in the current meta.

C Tier

Rocket Queen: Pharah

Pharah in Overwatch 2

Pharah’s rework has put her on a promising trajectory, allowing her to function more effectively as a solo hero in Season 9. However, as time has passed, she no longer fits well in the current meta, especially when faced with hitscan heroes like Sojourn and Cassidy who are able to easily target and eliminate her from fights.


overwatch 2 symmetra win header image
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite her unique abilities, Symmetra will continue to be considered an outlier in Overwatch 2. Her primary fire has a limited range, and her turrets and ultimate can be cumbersome, making her a less popular choice among the DPS heroes.

D tier


Junkrat in Overwatch 2

Junkrat is just not the pick at the moment, and will likely not be for quite some time.

Junkrat was undoubtedly the hero most affected by the changes to hero HP. The removal of his potential one-shot combo with his mines has caused him to significantly decline in effectiveness and he is now considered one of the weaker heroes in the game. This was not a new issue for Junkrat, as he was already struggling before the changes were implemented. Despite his weakened state, dedicated one-tricks may still find success with Junkrat in their gameplay.

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