Best Star Wars Unlimited Decks: Meta Leaders, Strongest Cards, and More

“Which Star Wars Unlimited decks are considered the best? With the addition of Set 1: Spark of Rebellion and Set 2: Shadows of the Galaxy, a meta is emerging and we have all the details on the most powerful decks currently.”

In 2024, Star Wars Unlimited quickly rose to dominance in the Trading Card Game (TCG) industry, with their latest release selling out in stores around the globe and Booster prices quickly escalating.

Many players are currently searching for the top decks in the game, but where can you find the most highly ranked strategies? In this article, we will analyze some of the top-performing Star Wars Unlimited decks in the current meta before the release of Set 3. These decks have not only gained popularity, but have also shown strong performances in tournaments.

Playing with any of these decks at Constructed events or in the Twin Suns multiplayer format is guaranteed to catch your opponents off guard with each move.

Best Star Wars Unlimited deck overall: Boba Fett Overwhelming

Boba Fett Leader Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

Boba Fett has become the most sought-after Leader in Star Wars Unlimited.

The Boba Fett Leader card has gained a reputation as the most esteemed in the community, ranking at the top of the list for the priciest Star Wars Unlimited cards due to its Showcase version. This is well-deserved, as Boba is an exceptionally strong Leader who disrupts the typical flow of a game with his ability to generate resources.

With the addition of units that strive to increase the speed of the game, along with the goal of bringing in incredibly powerful late-game attackers, it is highly likely that you will dominate both sides of the board in no time.

Despite the emergence of new contenders in Set 2, this Boba deck continues to be one of the strongest competitors, capable of defeating a diverse array of opposing strategies.

Full deck list (via SWUDB):

Leader: Boba Fett

Base: Energy Conversion Lab

Ground Units

  • 3x – Greedo
  • 2x – Bib Fortuna
  • 3x – Crafty Smuggler
  • 3x – Boba Fett
  • 3x – Superlaser Technician
  • 3x – Bossk
  • 3x – Steadfast Battalion
  • 2x – Rukh
  • 2x – Darth Vader (Unit)

Space Units (9)

  • 3x – Cartel Spacer
  • 3x – Strafing Gunship
  • 3x – Fett’s Firespray

Events & Upgrades (17)

  • 3x – Shoot First
  • 2x – Surprise Strike
  • 3x – No Good to Me Dead
  • 3x – Sneak Attack
  • 3x – Waylay
  • 3x – Overwhelming Barrage

Best Star Wars Unlimited Deck for Winning Set 2 Events: Han Solo Takes the Lead at Gen Con 2024

Han Solo Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

Winning Gen Con Day 1 without dropping a single round is nothing to scoff at.

On the final day of Gen Con 2024, the largest Star Wars Unlimited competition in North America to date, Troy Yamaguchi achieved a flawless 7-0 record with his Han Solo mono deck. Despite not being ideal in every scenario, this deck has proven to be the one to beat in the early stages of Set 2, defeating all opponents who challenged it.

The main concept behind this deck is not only to dominate the board, but also to have some control over your opponent’s actions. Utilizing cards such as Change of Heart, Cunning, and Waylay, you can dictate the pace of the game. Additionally, cards like Spark of Rebellion and Qi’Ra allow you to frequently view your opponent’s hand. With a strong ambush presence, you can strategically choose your battles.

The key is to gather information and stay ahead of the game. Included below is the complete decklist for one of the top decks making a name for itself in Set 2, so you can catch up quickly.

Full Deck List (via SWUDB):

Leader:Han Solo (Audacious Smuggler)

Base: Coronet City

29 Ground Units:

  • 3x – L3-37
  • 2x – Leia Organa
  • 3x – Bodhi Rook
  • 3x – DJ
  • 3x – Ezra Bridger
  • 3x – Tech
  • 3x – Gamorrean Guards
  • 2x – Qi’Ra
  • 3x – Cantina Bouncer
  • 1x – Syndicate Lackeys
  • 3x – Han Solo, Reluctant Hero

Space Units (7):

  • 2x – Cartel Turncoat
  • 3x – Millenium Falcon, Piece of Junk
  • 2x – Millenium Falcon, Lando’s Pride

Events & Upgrades (15)

  • 2x – Spark of Rebellion
  • 3x – Surprise Strike
  • 3x – Waylay
  • 3x – Cunning
  • 1x – Change of Heart
  • 2x – Hotshot DL-44 Blaster
  • 1x – Jetpack


  • 1x – Confiscate
  • 2x – Smuggler’s Aid
  • 2x – Bamboozle
  • 1x – Spark of Rebellion
  • 2x – Tobias Beckett
  • 1x – Syndicate Lackeys
  • 1x – Change of Heart

Qi’Ra Green: The Rising Star of Star Wars Unlimited Tournaments

Qi'ra Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

Using Qi’Ra’s Leader ability at the right moment can flip momentum in your favor.

As the initial Set 2 Leader on the roster, Qi’Ra brings a powerful deck archetype to the table in the world of Star Wars Unlimited. Although it may be considered costly with numerous Legendaries included, obtaining the complete set of cards will leave your opponent struggling to match your strength.

This Qi’Ra deck, created by ‘woooo’, a player and content creator for Star Wars Unlimited, proved its worth by going undefeated with a 7-0 record at a recent Gen Con event. This deck is a formidable contender even at the most challenging competitions.

To gain an advantage in the late game, the strategy is to use powerful finishers and control the early game with hard-removal events. The goal is to survive until the board can be dominated. It is crucial to keep Units alive using Qi’Ra’s ability, and timing her flip turn correctly can greatly shift the momentum in your favor.

Full Deck List (via SWUDB):

Leader: Qi’Ra

Base: Energy Conversion Laboratory

Ground Units (24):

  • 3x – Hylobon Enforcer
  • 3x – Pyke Sentinel
  • 3x – Death Trooper
  • 3x – Superlaser Technician
  • 2x – The Client
  • 2x – Lom Pyke
  • 2x – Gideon Hask
  • 3x – Darth Vader
  • 1x – Maul
  • 2x – Supreme Leader Snoke

Space Units (9):

  • 3x – Inferno Four
  • 2x – Black Sun Starfighter
  • 2x – Avenger
  • 1x – Relentless
  • 1x – Devastator

Events & Upgrades

  • 2x – Make an Opening
  • 3x – Power of the Dark Side
  • 3x – Resupply
  • 2x – Fell the Dragon
  • 1x – Takedown
  • 2x – Vigilance
  • 3x – Overwhelming Barrage
  • 1x – Superlaser Blast

Sideboard (10):

  • 3x – Top Target
  • 1x – Vigilance
  • 1x – Rukh
  • 2x – Palpatine’s Return
  • 1x – Superlaser Blast
  • 1x – Relentless
  • 1x – Devastator

Best Star Wars Unlimited deck for aggro style: Sabine Goes Face (Base Set)

Sabine Wren Leader Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

Sabine is the optimal Leader for aggro decks in Star Wars Unlimited thanks to her Action.

Another popular deck type in the current meta of Star Wars Unlimited is the Sabine rush deck, known for its high number of successful plays. This aggressive archetype has been widely adopted, especially by new players who are learning the basics. Its relentless pace allows opponents very little time to strategize and forces them to act quickly.

In addition, this specific aggro deck style can be rather affordable, especially since obtaining Boosters can be challenging. By avoiding expensive Legendary cards and instead utilizing affordable units that work together effectively, you can create a powerful deck without breaking the bank.

Combining the optimal combination of Rebel and Raid-based units, coupled with Sabine’s Action Ability, can result in significant early damage. Additionally, the Leader card can be played as early as turn four, adding to the formidable onslaught that is challenging to counter.

Full Deck List (via SWUDB):

Sabine Wren – Leader

Base: Chopper Base

Ground Units: 24

  • 3x – Benthic “Two Tubes”
  • 3x – Sabine Wren (Unit)
  • 3x – Partisan Insurgent
  • 3x – Leia Organa
  • 3x – Fleet Lieutenant
  • 3x – Ezra Bridger
  • 3x – K-2SO
  • 3x – General Dodonna

Space Units (18):

  • 3x – Green Squadron A-Wing
  • 3x – Vanguard Ace
  • 3x – Outer Rim Headhunter
  • 3x – Alliance X-Wing
  • 3x – Red Three
  • 3x – Wing Leader

Events & Upgrades (8):

  • 3x – Shoot First
  • 2x – Open Fire
  • 3x – Snapshot Reflexes

More aggression with Kylo Ren deck in Star Wars Unlimited

Kylo Ren Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

It’s all about keeping that hand size as small as possible when playing Kylo in Star Wars Unlimited.

Kylo Ren, another prominent Set 2 Leader, has gained considerable popularity in recent weeks. If Sabine is not satisfying your desire for aggressive gameplay, the Rash and Deadly Kylo deck is the perfect alternative to consider.

The Leader ability and in-play effect of this deck are both centered on discarding cards. As a result, it is important to have a high chance of drawing cards from the top of your deck. It is not beneficial to hold onto cards in your hand, so the focus is on including low-cost, powerful cards to quickly increase the tempo.

Despite its potential weakness against slow control decks, as seen in the examples below, the main objective is to finish the game swiftly. Properly strategizing and playing your cards can result in a quick victory before your opponent has a chance to recover and play any significant threats on their side of the board. However, it is important to be aware of the potential loss of momentum if the game prolongs and your hand runs out of strong options.

Full Deck List (via SWUDB):

Leader:Kylo Ren

Base: Catacombs of Cadera

Ground Units (31):

  • 3x – Death Star Stormtrooper
  • 3x – Benthic “Two Tubes”
  • 3x – Reckless Gunslinger
  • 3x – Guavian Antagonizer
  • 3x – Partisan Insurgent
  • 2x – Wolffe
  • 3x – Migs Mayfeld
  • 3x – Bo-Katan Kryze
  • 3x – Fifth Brother
  • 2x – Saw Warrior
  • 3x – Hunting Nexu

Space Units (9):

  • 3x – TIE/LN Fighter
  • 3x – Punishing One
  • 3x – Kylo’s TIE Silencer

Events & Upgrades (10):

  • 2x – Daring Red
  • 2x – Armed to the Teeth
  • 3x – The Chaos of War
  • 3x – Fallen Lightsaber

The Optimal Star Wars Unlimited Deck for Control: Director Krennic Reigns Supreme

Director Krennic Leader Showcase card in Star Wars Unlimited

Director Krennic proved unstoppable at the first proper Star Wars Unlimited tournament in Poland.

The winning deck from the TCG’s inaugural major tournament has earned a spot among the top Star Wars Unlimited decks. Despite going against common strategies, the deck, featuring Director Krennic as its Leader, dominated the competition at the national level.

Despite its high cost, which includes 3x Darth Vader unit cards and other Legendary cards like the Devastator and Superlaser Blast, this deck is not a feasible choice for beginners. However, for those willing to invest, it is considered one of the top slow-paced decks in Star Wars Unlimited.

Full Deck List (via SWUDB):

Leader:Director Krennic

Base: Energy Conversion Lab

Ground Units (31):

  • 2x – Regional Governor
  • 3x – Scout Bike Pursuer
  • 3x – Viper Probe Droid
  • 2x – Cell Block Guard
  • 3x – Death Trooper
  • 3x – Superlaser Technician
  • 3x – Gideon Hask
  • 3x – Steadfast Battalion
  • 3x – Cargo Juggernaut
  • 3x – Darth Vader (Unit)
  • 3x – Reinforcement Walker

Space Units (6):

  • 3x – Consortium StarViper
  • 2x – Avenger
  • 1x – Devastator

Events & Upgrades

  • 3x – Power of the Dark Side
  • 3x – Resupply
  • 2x – Takedown
  • 3x – Overwhelming Barrage
  • 2x – Vanquish
  • 1x – Superlaser Blast

Sideboard (10 Cards):

  • 1x – Regional Governor
  • 1x – Snowtrooper Lieutenant
  • 1x – Cell Block Guard
  • 2x – System Patrol Craft
  • 1x – Takedown
  • 1x – Rukh
  • 1x – Vanquish
  • 1x – Avenger
  • 1x – Devastator

Best Star Wars Unlimited Deck for Resource Ramping: Papa Palpatine’s Lab

Emperor Palpatine card in Star Wars Unlimited

Palpatine certainly isn’t the easiest Leader to play against in Star Wars Unlimited.

The main strategy when merging Palpatine with the Energy Conversion Lab base is to overpower your opponent. This involves flooding the board with Resources and Units, making it difficult for your opponent to keep up. By utilizing cards such as Superlaser Technician and Admiral Motti, Palpatine’s Action ability can provide significant advantages in the later stages of the game. Additionally, cards like Resupply can give you an extra boost during the early game.

With Resources on your side, the key is to dominate the battlefield with powerful late-game cards such as Devastator, Reinforcement Walker, 97th Legion, and similar options. Although vulnerable to intense rush tactics, by utilizing strong draws and strategic planning, this Palpatine deck can quickly give you the advantage in just a few turns.

Full Deck List from SWUDB:

Leader:Emperor Palpatine

Energy Conversion Lab

Ground Units (27):

  • 3x – Admiral Motti
  • 3x – Colonel Yularen
  • 3x – Cell Block Guard
  • 3x – Emperor’s Royal Guard
  • 3x – Homestead Militia
  • 3x – Superlaser Technician
  • 3x – Grand Moff Tarkin
  • 2x – General Krell
  • 2x – 97th Legion
  • 2x – Reinforcement Walker

Space Units

  • 1x – Frontline Shuttle
  • 3x – Patrolling V-Wing
  • 3x – Consortium StarViper
  • 1x – Corellian Freighter
  • 2x – Gladiator Star Destroyer
  • 2x – Relentless
  • 2x – Devastating

Events & Upgrades (9):

  • 3x – I Am Your Father
  • 3x – Resupply
  • 3x – Command

Sideboard (10):

  • 1x – Strike True
  • 3x – Escort Skiff
  • 2x – Corellian Freighter
  • 3x – Overwhelming Barrage
  • 1x – Reinforcement Walker

Undoubtedly, it is still the beginning stages of the Star Wars Unlimited community. The game is currently in the process of establishing itself, with an emerging meta gaining traction. Therefore, with the influence of Set 2 and the anticipation of Set 3, it is expected that new deck variations will thrive in the upcoming weeks and months.

You can trust that we will keep you informed of all the latest top Star Wars Unlimited decks as new challengers emerge.

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