Best way to avoid caffeine crash and keep your energy level stable

Best way to avoid caffeine crash and keep your energy level stable

Are you feeling drained and unfocused after your morning cup of coffee? If so, you might be experiencing a caffeine crash.

Caffeine is used as a popular stimulant by many people to stay alert and focused, but the crash that follows can leave you feeling tired, irritable and unable to concentrate.

However, there are some ways that you can avoid feeling drained and keep your energy level stable throughout the day.

What is a caffeine crash?

Occurs when the effect of caffeine wears off (Image via Unsplash/Adrian Swancar)
Occurs when the effect of caffeine wears off (Image via Unsplash/Adrian Swancar)

A caffeine crash occurs when the effects of caffeine wear off, and there’s a sudden drop in your energy level.

Some of these symptoms include tiredness, irritability, difficulty concentrating and headaches. Some people also report feeling jittery or anxious before the crash sets in.

The severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of caffeine consumed, tolerance towards caffeine and how quickly the caffeine was consumed.

Why do I crash when I drink caffeine?

Can cause jitters and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Kateryna Hilznitsova)
Can cause jitters and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Kateryna Hilznitsova)

Caffeine works by blocking a receptor called adenosine, which is responsible for promoting sleep and relaxation.

When adenosine is blocked, other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine are released, which leads to increased alertness and boost in energy level.

However, when the effects of caffeine wear off, the adenosine receptors are unblocked, causing a sudden drop in energy level. Additionally, caffeine can cause dehydration, which can also contribute to feelings of fatigue and lethargy.

Best ways to avoid caffeine crash

1) Drink coffee with a meal, not on an empty stomach

Drink coffee or tea after a meal. (Image via Unsplash/Food Photographer)
Drink coffee or tea after a meal. (Image via Unsplash/Food Photographer)

Caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the stomach lining, so it’s best to drink coffee with food.

If you’re drinking coffee on an empty stomach, the body will metabolize it more quickly, causing a huge spike in adrenaline, leading to jitters, anxiety and even heart palpitations.

Moreover, eating makes us feel full longer, so if you eat something before consuming a stimulant, the caffeine gets absorbed into your system more slowly.

2) Have a little protein with your caffeine

Have protein-rich food (Image via Unsplash/Sam Moghadam)
Have protein-rich food (Image via Unsplash/Sam Moghadam)

Protein helps you feel full, which can be a good thing if you’re trying to avoid sugar crash and energy crash. That helps the body to process caffeine more effectively.

Protein-rich foods can also help reduce risk of caffeine crash, as it keeps blood sugar level stable throughout the day. That helps prevent sudden drops in energy, which lead to crashes, after having sugary food or drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

3) Limit caffeine intake

Limit caffeine intake.(Image via Unsplash/Demi Deherrera)
Limit caffeine intake.(Image via Unsplash/Demi Deherrera)

The best way to avoid caffeine crash is to limit your intake. If you’re a heavy coffee drinker and want to cut back, try slowly decreasing the amount of coffee you drink each day.

That will help prevent headaches and other unpleasant side effects of caffeine withdrawals as well as makes it easier for you not only physically but mentally as well.

4) Drink plenty of water

Keep yourself hydrated. (Image via Unsplash/Boxed Water is Better)
Keep yourself hydrated. (Image via Unsplash/Boxed Water is Better)

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential. Caffeine is diuretic, which means it causes you to urinate more often and in larger amounts.

That can lead to dehydration if you’re not drinking enough water, especially if you’re also consuming caffeinated beverages like soda or coffee.

5) Exercise regularly

Work out regularly. (Image via Unsplash/Dmitriy Franstev)
Work out regularly. (Image via Unsplash/Dmitriy Franstev)

Regular exercise helps the body to process caffeine more efficiently by increasing metabolism and blood flow through the body.

If possible, try to get 30 minutes or so of moderate activity (like walking) every day before consuming any caffeinated drinks. That will help prepare your system for what’s coming next by helping increase its ability to handle whatever amount of caffeine is ingested later.

6) Try kombucha instead of coffee or tea

Drink kombucha. (Image via Unsplash/Tyler Nix Dke)
Drink kombucha. (Image via Unsplash/Tyler Nix Dke)

Kombucha is a probiotic drink that contains less caffeine than coffee or tea and is more antioxidant. It’s also cheaper than both those beverages and has less sugar.

It may sound like an odd thing to try when you’re trying to avoid crashing after drinking too much coffee or tea, but kombucha can help with the crash by providing the body with energy from natural sugars instead of artificial ones like high fructose corn syrup.

Experiencing caffeine crash is a common problem for many people who rely on caffeine to keep their energy level up.

By following the aforementioned tips, you can avoid the negative effects of caffeine crash and achieve sustained energy levels to power through your day. Remember that moderation and balance are key when it comes to caffeine consumption and maintaining overall health.

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