Biggest Hero Buffs and Nerfs in Deadlock’s August 29 Patch

Valve recently released Deadlock’s August 29 update, which includes a significant amount of changes to various heroes. As a result, there are clear winners and losers in terms of which heroes were buffed or nerfed in this update.

As Deadlock is still in its early Alpha stage, it is expected to receive numerous updates. However, the latest one is particularly noteworthy as it introduces new movement mechanics such as wall jumping, a variety of item changes, and other updates.

A significant portion of the game’s hero roster was also subject to adjustments, as many received buffs, nerfs, or balance changes to their abilities. This is sure to have an impact on the existing tier lists.

Therefore, we will go through each hero and review the changes they received to determine if they were successful or unsuccessful with the latest patch.

Please note that Paradox has been excluded as he only received a bug fix.

Winner and Losers from Deadlock’s August 29 Update


Although Valve joked about Abrams gaining a buff from doing pull ups on the zipline, the hero did receive a minor buff.

The regeneration time for his Infernal Resilience will now be extended to 18 seconds, instead of the previous 16 seconds. This will result in a slightly longer period of healing, which is definitely a positive.

In addition, Abrams received some bug fixes for his Shoulder Charge and Seismic Impact, but it is unlikely that he will suddenly become dominant as a result.


Bebop’s weapon received a minor enhancement, increasing its range from 30 meters to 32, when it comes to gameplay.

In addition to that, Bebop did not receive any other significant buffs. However, there were some quality of life improvements such as his hook now automatically targeting enemies and the ability to cancel Hyper Beam by using Parry.

Despite potentially receiving a buff, Bebop is still not likely to rise through tier lists anytime soon.


Deadlock Dynamo

Dynamo got a fair few nerfs in this patch.

Dynamo suffered a significant blow with this update, as numerous nerfs were implemented on the beloved scientist.

The base bullet damage has been decreased from 15 to 13. Additionally, the cast time for his Singularity has been prolonged from 0.1 to 0.2, and its range has been decreased from 9 meters to 8.

Despite receiving some quality-of-life enhancements, such as the ability to cancel Rejuvenating Aurora with parry and the fixing of Kinetic Pulse’s hit range, the overall result is still a nerf.

While it may not be the worst nerf on the list, it is still a decrease in effectiveness compared to before.

Gray Talon

Grey Talon underwent a balance adjustment that significantly shook up his gameplay, though it is difficult to determine if it ultimately resulted in a nerf or a buff.

The size of his Charged Shot was significantly reduced by 8%, while its base damage decreased from 105 to 100. Additionally, its level 2 upgrade now only provides a buff of +65 instead of +70.

Apart from this, there was a modification made to his Immobilizing Trap. The duration has been decreased from 2 seconds to 1.25, but it will now impose a 50% movement slow for 1 second after the root. Furthermore, the level 2 upgrade has been improved from a +1 second increase to a +2 second increase.

Additionally, his fire rate increases by x0.25 in correlation with your Spirit Power, and you are able to perform multiple air dashes while utilizing Rain of Fire.

On the whole, it’s difficult to determine whether Talon received a nerf or a buff. While his poke potential, particularly in his Charged Shot, was significantly nerfed, the other changes he received were more of a buff.

Therefore, Talon simply received a balance adjustment instead of a decrease or increase in power, but it may be necessary to alter your playstyle with him.

Air Pollution

If a winner emerges from the patch, it may very well be Haze.

The recent changes to Sleep Dagger have greatly improved its effectiveness. Previously, the impact damage would occur after a brief drowsy period, but now it happens immediately. Additionally, the cooldown has been shortened from 27 seconds to 25. Although the drowsy period has been slightly extended from 0.25 seconds to 0.35, the difference is not significant enough to be easily noticeable.

The base damage of Bullet Dance has been increased by +2, and when combined with the slight increase in Bullet Damage from 5.3 to 5.6, it becomes a powerful buff.

Furthermore, the maximum stacks for Fixation’s level 2 have been raised from +30 to +40, giving you the ability to swiftly deplete health bars.

In addition, the radius of Haze’s Smoke Bomb has been decreased from 20 meters to 18, allowing you to approach enemies while remaining invisible.

In summary, Haze’s performance in this patch makes her a clear winner and will greatly improve her previously weak laning phase.


Infernus may not have suffered the largest loss this patch, but he certainly received a significant blow.

Many of the changes made to him involved his Flame Dash ability, which now has reduced vertical reach and can be affected by slowing effects. Additionally, the Fire Rate slow from its level 1 upgrade has been decreased from 7 seconds to 6. However, as a small bonus, the trail left behind will now widen with increased Ability Range.

Furthermore, there were some modifications to Catalyst, resulting in a decrease of its base damage amplification from 30% to 25% and a decrease of its level 2 upgrade’s lifesteal from +20% to +15%. However, the level 3 upgrade received a buff, increasing its damage amplification from +10% to +15%.

These changes are aimed at reducing his oppressiveness in the early game and increasing it in the late game, although they do come with some drawbacks.



Ivy may be one of the biggest losers from the patch.

The patch may have hit Ivy the hardest, as Gargoyle’s nerf was quite significant.

The most significant impact she faced was on her Air Drop ability. Its self-cast time was extended from 1 to 2 seconds, and its maximum speed was decreased from 20 to 18. As a result, she will now be more susceptible to attacks.

The ultimate ability also received several improvements to its movement and the bomb, allowing it to move vertically while in flight. Additionally, Ivy’s Watcher’s Covenant was slightly weakened in its level 2 upgrade, decreasing from +3 m/s to +2 m/s.

In general, the nerf to Ivy will certainly impact her current position in tier lists and potential ult combos with this patch.


Prior to the patch, Kelvin was not considered a top-tier hero. However, he has since received necessary buffs, greatly improving his abilities.

Despite receiving a significant boost in power, his Arctic Beam saw some adjustments to maintain balance. Its maximum slow was increased from 60% to 80% and it gained the ability to secure and deny Soul Orbs. However, the range of its level 3 upgrade was slightly reduced from 15 meters to 13.

Furthermore, the healing power of Frost Grenade at level 2 has been raised from 135 to 145, making him a slightly stronger option as a healer for your team. Not only that, but Kelvin’s bullet radius has also been increased from 5 to 6 and his health growth per boon has been boosted from 60% to 80%, ensuring that he remains a formidable force on the battlefield.

Despite uncertainty surrounding his potential improvement in the meta, we are hesitant to definitively declare him as a clear winner in this patch.


Lash received minimal changes in this patch, mainly consisting of quality of life improvements, if anything.

The developers have enhanced his shooting ability by reducing the obstruction of the reticle, and have also removed the unintended feature of Grapple providing a stamina charge upon use.

Overall, his net gain and loss were relatively minimal, although it is unfortunate that he can no longer gain stamina through grappling.


In spite of Pocket remaining a major nuisance, the developers seem content with their current position in the meta and have only implemented a minor adjustment.

The damage amplification of Barrage has been decreased from 8% to 7% per stack, resulting in a minor nerf. Apart from fixing a bug in Barrage’s visual amplification, there have been no significant changes.

Despite a minor nerf, its impact is insignificant and is unlikely to affect its position in the meta.


Overall, Seven received a few improvements, making it a great update for him.

The radius of Static Charge has been increased from 5 meters to 6 meters, and its level 2 upgrade now has a radius of 8 meters.

Storm Cloud has undergone a nerf, with its Spirit Power scaling being decreased from 1.1 to 0.8. Additionally, its maximum radius can now be reached in just 3 seconds instead of 6, and it offers a base increase of +20%, providing better protection and reducing vulnerability.

This indicates that Seven has certainly emerged victorious in this update since you are now less susceptible while utilizing Storm Cloud.


Shiv received a significant number of nerfs in this patch, but it does not render him entirely insignificant.

Slice and Dice’s level 2 damage upgrade has been decreased from +100 to +85, and now only counts creeps as half the value for your rage meter.

Furthermore, Bloodletting’s deferred damage has been decreased to 30% from 35%, and he has also received minor nerfs to his bullet damage and health regeneration. In contrast, Shiv’s weapon has been buffed with a reduction in its fall-off range.

Despite some significant losses, particularly in his Slice and Dice ability, Shiv remains a formidable force in the hands of skilled players in this patch.


Vindicta’s changes in this update were also limited, consisting of just a few minor nerfs.

The duration of Stake was decreased from 2.25 seconds to 2, while the scaling of Spirit Power duration for Crow Familiar was reduced from 0.05 to 0.04.

Despite the slight decrease in her abilities, this is the only change that has been made. However, it is not significant enough for the majority of players to even acknowledge, aside from improving their overall gameplay experience.


Deadlock Viscous hero img

Viscous got quite the overhaul which resulted in a significant buff.

There were numerous changes made to Viscous in this patch, including upgrades to abilities, but overall, it was mostly a buff.

The most problematic aspect of his equipment was his weapon, but it has recently undergone a rework. The main firearm has been revamped to have improved damage and scaling, and it also now includes an alternate fire option that inflicts area-of-effect damage instead of requiring headshots.

The damage of Splatter has also been altered, as its Spirit scaling has been raised from 1.4 to 1.5. Additionally, the damage of the second and third hits has been increased from 66% and 33% to 70% and 50% respectively.

Puddle Punch has undergone the most alterations compared to all the other abilities. Modifications have been made to its level 2 and 3 upgrades.

Level 2 will now provide +50 damage and a +20% movement slow, while level 3 will grant a -12 second cooldown instead of its previous bonuses of +80% damage and +20% movement slow.

The Goo Ball has also received a damage boost, now dealing 110% of light melee damage instead of the original 100%. Additionally, its acceleration, spirit scaling, and turn radius have all been increased as well.

In summary, this change is exceptional and solidifies our beloved slime ball as the clear champion of this patch.


Warden received a few minor nerfs, but nothing too significant.

The character’s base movement speed has been lowered from 6.5 to 6, while their fire rate scaling with Spirit damage has been slightly reduced from 0.375 to 0.3 fire rate per spirit.

On the whole, this nerf is relatively minor and is unlikely to significantly impact the majority of players.


Despite receiving some minor improvements in the patch, Yamato’s changes were not significant enough to cause excitement.

The maximum damage time for Power Slash has been shortened to 1.4 seconds instead of 1.5 seconds, and its collision radius has been decreased by 8%. Additionally, the radius of Crimson Slash has been reduced from 12 meters to 13 meters.

Despite some bug fixes, it is not a significant buff. While these minor changes are appreciated, they will not have a major impact on the meta in the near future.

That sums up all the hero changes in the August 29 patch, folks! While some heroes have undergone significant changes, others have remained relatively unchanged.

Clearly, the meta is bound to change as time goes on, thus we must be patient and observe how it evolves.

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