A strange interaction between Iso and KAY/O’s ultimate in Valorant is so unusual that it has even perplexed the game’s creators, who are unsure if it was intentional.
Despite the multitude of abilities in the game, it is surprising to discover that the developers intentionally designed many of their interactions with each other.
KAY/O’s suppression can neutralize Raze ultimates, Cypher’s traps can prevent Jett from gaining access to sites, and a Fade can reveal the location of a Viper hiding in their pit.
Despite the vast array of abilities, the developers are unable to guarantee knowledge of every potential interaction between Agents. It appears that an unusual and perplexing interaction has caused confusion amongst them.
Iso and Kay/o weird ult interaction byu/pigster007 inVALORANT
Recently showcased by Reddit user u/pigster007 in the Valorant subreddit, a video clip demonstrated that if a KAY/O utilizes their ult (NULL/CMD) just before being caught in an Iso ult (Kill Contract), they are still able to eliminate the Iso even if they do not emerge victorious in the battle.
The reason for this is that if a KAY/O is killed in their NULL/CMD, they will only be downed and still have a significant amount of health remaining. This means that if the enemy does not manage to eliminate the KAY/O in time, both players will end up dying as technically neither of them won the fight.
The video clip shows that the Iso would not have been able to eliminate the downed KAY/O before the Kill Contract expired, ultimately leading to their own demise.
It is quite uncommon to encounter such a situation, as it requires several factors to align perfectly within a short period of time for the interaction to occur.
This unusual scenario with ultimates also puzzled a developer. Riot CombatCube, a software engineer at Riot, stated, “I am unsure if this was intentional, but I have brought it to the attention of the team.”
Despite players’ pleas, the developers were considering removing it from the game as it was one of the only effective ways to counter Iso’s Kill Contract.
“According to one player’s response to the developer, the ultimates of Iso and KAY/O have certain effects that should not be altered. Iso’s ultimate has the capability to eliminate both players if they remain alive for an extended period of time, while KAY/O’s ultimate poses a challenge in trying to defeat him.”
We’ll have to wait and see if Riot will ever take action to remove this interaction, given that Iso is set to receive some nerfs in the upcoming 9.00 patch update.
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