Black Myth: Wukong – The Fast and Forgiving Souls-like Game I’ve Been Waiting For

The stunning visuals and setting of Black Myth: Wukong captured the attention of players in 2020. After spending almost two hours fighting against its challenging bosses, it seems to be an ideal entry point for those new to the Souls-like genre.

For some, the Souls-like genre can seem intimidating to try, as the demanding battles and harsh save points may require you to step up your skills in order to advance. As someone who relates, this can make games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls seem unwelcoming, despite their allure.

Despite my initial concerns, when CharlieIntel was given the opportunity to try out a demo version of Black Myth: Wukong at a preview event, I was pleasantly surprised. I had worried that it would immediately push me away, but to my delight, the game’s clever combination of action RPG elements and well-known Souls tropes immediately captivated me and kept me hooked.

A perfect mix

Wukong in Black Myth: Wukong
Game Science

Wukong can pick up new transformations by beating bosses.

As you embark on your journey controlling Wukong, the influence of Souls-like games is evident. Enemies are strategically positioned throughout each linear area, often emerging from hidden locations. Regular shrines act as both healing points and reset all previously defeated enemies.

Although I had anticipated thoughts of games like Bloodborne, I was taken aback by the significant impact of action-focused titles, like the Star Wars Jedi series.

This feature made combat feel instantly more recognizable to players with limited experience in the Souls series, and it didn’t take long for me to become comfortable dodging attacks and delivering my own. The developers later revealed that they intentionally designed the game to be less challenging in order to avoid frustrating players, and this philosophy was evident throughout.

This is extremely important because it allows you to fully immerse yourself in the stunning levels without having to constantly focus on your gameplay. It’s something you’ll definitely want to do, especially because the visuals showcased during the preview were consistently awe-inspiring.

The forest I navigated was thick and intricate, filled with small side paths that hold hidden encounters or resources, yet it never felt too daunting. I look forward to potentially seeing more diverse environments in the final game, but I am thoroughly enjoying exploring the areas that have been revealed thus far.

Bosses everywhere

Black Myth: Wukong character fighting
Game Science

Boss fights are the star of the show in Black Myth: Wukong.

Despite the basic enemies being relatively easy to defeat, do not be fooled into thinking that Black Myth: Wukong is a simple game. The difficulty level can be cranked up, especially during the impressive boss fights.

These battles test all of your abilities and can rapidly deplete your health if you don’t approach them with caution. Thankfully, the forgiving dodge mechanics allow you to use your first attempt at a boss to observe their attack patterns and cues in order to find the optimal moments to strike back.

The bosses in Wukong are undoubtedly the most exciting part of my time playing the game. I am thrilled to see that they appear frequently and without delay. In a span of less than two hours, I encountered five unique bosses, including a frog with wild kicking abilities and a massive white wolf that leapt onto rooftops before attacking from above.

All of the designs were distinct and well-crafted, with fairness being the most crucial aspect. Although there were some that I easily conquered on my first attempt, there were others that humbled me multiple times before I finally succeeded. However, I never felt defeated by a cheap tactic that abruptly ended the battle.

The true complexity of the game’s seemingly straightforward combat is becoming apparent to me here. I managed to make it through a few battles by relying on my preferred skills and spells, particularly Immobilize which immobilizes enemies, but I am aware that mastering each transformation will be crucial for survival as the story progresses.

Change of stance

Transformation in Black Myth: Wukong
Game Science

Transformations can quickly turn the tide of a battle.

As I continued to advance, I dedicated resources to unlocking new stances in the skill tree. These stances cater to various playstyles and are effective against different bosses. For instance, the initial stance focuses on delivering rapid attacks, while the first unlockable choice allowed me to dodge ground attacks by utilizing Wukong’s staff to lift him into the air.

My experience with the stances and the first transformation was limited, only giving me a brief taste. This transformation allows you to become a fire-wielding wolf, similar to the boss you obtain it from. It is evident that achieving mastery in combat requires knowledge of when and where to use each stance, and the ability to seamlessly combine them in the midst of a battle. This challenge is one that I am eager to conquer.

After almost two hours of playing Black Myth: Wukong, I can confidently say that it has gone from a game that I was mildly interested in as someone who typically avoids Souls-likes, to one that I will definitely be purchasing on its release date.

The upcoming journey promises to be a swift yet concentrated experience that will satisfy both newcomers to the Souls-like genre and seasoned veterans. While the combat may seem uncomplicated at first, the frequent introduction of new stances and skills, along with the fast-paced boss encounters, will require you to master its intricacies in order to advance.

I have high hopes that the finished product will continue with the exceptional enemy design and stunning levels throughout its entire duration. If it upholds the same standard as this demo, we may be in for a truly remarkable experience and possibly one of the top games of 2024.

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