Black Ops 6 Calling Card Update Sparks Controversy Over Alleged 9/11 Reference

A Calling Card discovered in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 underwent a swift modification by developers Treyarch after players noticed a possible 9/11 reference in the design.

Following the release of the Black Ops 6 beta on Friday, August 30, players soon discovered that the ‘Make History’ Calling Card, a customizable badge for in-game profiles, included an image of a plane flying into a triangle-shaped building.

Along with a blurred image of President George W. Bush, there was a tape showing someone writing what is believed to be ‘Clinton’, another former President, in the eyes of the public.

By connecting them, players were convinced that the calling card was alluding to the tragic events of September 11 in New York City, which resulted in the loss of nearly 3000 lives.

As of September 2, the Make History calling card had undergone significant changes, now featuring only the central imagery of a tape being written on.

The portion of the image showcasing the plane on the right side and the blurry figure of George Bush on the left side had been entirely removed.

As of now, neither Treyarch nor Activision have addressed the assumptions made by players or the alterations made to the Calling Card.

As a result, the reason for the change in the cosmetic remains uncertain. Certain players argue that the references to 9/11 were insensitive, while others speculate that it may have revealed spoilers for other game elements, such as campaign missions.

Despite rumors circulating during the game’s development, Treyarch officially debunked any claims of a 9/11 mission in June 2024.

Despite the numerous complaints made by Black Ops 6 players, there have also been reports of a significant number of players, including well-known current and former professionals, being banned during the beta testing phase.

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