Black Ops 6 Will Revert Massive Unlock Change Everyone Hated

Black Ops 6 is returning to the previous method of unlocking attachments in multiplayer, while also retaining one type of universal unlock.

In recent Call of Duty releases, there have been efforts to innovate various aspects of multiplayer. The addition of Scorestreaks has made it easier to earn killstreaks, Gunsmith was introduced, and there have also been modifications to unlock systems.

The attachment unlocks, which were the last to be introduced, have caused numerous difficulties. In the past, when you leveled up a weapon, you would receive attachments specifically for that gun. However, this process was altered so that you had to level up various types of guns and weapons to obtain universal add-ons.

The idea made perfect sense to some individuals. If you’re putting in the effort to play the game extensively, you expect to receive some type of reward. However, there are also others who would rather not have to increase their sniper skills just to obtain rifle attachments.

For Black Ops 6, we will be returning to the previous format before Modern Warfare 2 (2022).

Now, guns will be leveled up for their individual attachments. However, certain optics will be available for multiple weapon types. These will be the only universal attachments going forward.

The news of this breakthrough, announced at the COD Next event, has brought joy to many loyal players. “Thank goodness. The current system is incredibly frustrating,”expressed one individual. “Hooray! Now I can avoid using a weapon that I have no interest in just to unlock an attachment…it’s great to see,”another player chimed in.

Several players proposed the idea of Treyarch reintroducing in-game CoD cash for the upcoming Black Ops series. This would allow players to purchase desired weapons and equipment for unlocking.

One commenter praised it as the best system ever in CoD, adding that it also allowed for the purchase of camos and other items in this manner.

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