BLACKPINK Lisa’s mother showed up to support the Crazy Horse show, but netizens criticized her and closed her IG account

(Cover image source: Lisa’s mother’s IG screenshot)

BLACKPINK Lisa’s mother deleted her IG account after the storm of comments caused by her daughter’s “Crazy Horse Show” performance. It is suspected that she could not bear the attacks from netizens.

Recently, some fans noticed that Lisa’s mother recently deleted her IG account with 700,000 followers without any notice. This shocked netizens, who speculated on the reason why Lisa’s mother deleted the account.

Lisa’s mother and other family members have been attacked by a large number of hateful comments in the past few days. Some netizens pointed out that this ongoing hate campaign may be the main reason why Lisa’s mother suddenly deactivated her account. On the other hand, most fans speculate that the recent controversy surrounding Lisa’s performance at the “Crazy Horse”show in Paris may have been one of the reasons why she deleted her account. Lisa’s mother has always been a frontline supporter of her daughter. Even though there were constant controversies outside, she did not miss her daughter’s packed performance in Paris.

Lisa’s mother deleted her IG account, which made many fans feel very sad because they could no longer see Lisa’s private daily life.

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