Blue Archive The Animation: Episode 7 – Task Force Uncovers Kaiser Ownership and Team Growth; Visiting the Aquarium

Blue Archive The Animation: Episode 7 – Task Force Uncovers Kaiser Ownership and Team Growth; Visiting the Aquarium

On May 19th, 2024, the seventh episode of Blue Archive The Animation, titled “I Can Only Move Forward…”, was released. The series centers around the students of Kivotos, a city that is cut off from the rest of the world. The episode follows the journey of Takanashi Hoshino and her companions in the Abydos autonomous zone.

In episode 7 of Blue Archive The Animation, the growth of the Task Force members as a team is showcased. During a conversation between Hoshino and the teacher, they both note the positive transformations that have occurred. Serika has become more reliant on her teammates, Ayane’s outlook has shifted towards the future, and Nonomi’s demeanor has become brighter. Shiroko’s breathing has also become more relaxed, indicating a newfound sense of tranquility. Reflecting on these changes, Hoshino affirms that the only course of action is to continue moving forward.

Please be advised that the following episode 7 of Blue Archive The Animation contains spoilers.

Blue Archive: Growth and Bonding Among the Task Force Members

Blue Archive The Animation episode 7 - Hoshino and the teacher reflect on newfound strengths within their ranks (Image via Yostar Pictures CANDYBOX)
Blue Archive The Animation episode 7 – Hoshino and the teacher reflect on newfound strengths within their ranks (Image via Yostar Pictures CANDYBOX)

Hoshino and Sensei are talking about the recent growth and changes among the members of the Foreclosure Task Force. Sensei mentions that Serika has become more reliant on her team, Ayane has started looking up more often, and Nonomi’s smile has become more frequent. Sensei also notices that even Shiroko’s breathing appears calmer.

Hoshino concurs, stating that her main goal has been to safeguard the lives of everyone. Sensei remarks that these transformations appear to be connected to the smiles of the members. Hoshino adds that this implies she must continue to press forward.

The members of Problem Solver 68, a group known for their illegal activities, are being forced to move due to unpaid rent. Aru is feeling distressed about the situation, but Haruka, the leader of the group, remains positive and determined to find a new location. Shiroko comes to the rescue by using some money they found to help a struggling ramen shop nearby. This act of kindness convinces the group to accept the assistance, giving the ramen shop a fighting chance at reopening.

The owner of the ramen shop, who had previously planned to close down due to losing ownership to Abydos High School and a recent explosion, changes their mind and decides to reopen Shiba Seki Ramen with the help of a bag of money found by Shiroko. The reopening brings joy to Serika and her friends. However, the Task Force uncovers information suggesting that Kaiser Corporation may actually be the owner of the land, leading to suspicions about their intentions for Abydos. This discovery leaves the group feeling unsettled and they express a desire to conduct further investigations.

Blue Archive The Animation Episode 7: The Task Force Addresses Land Issues as Nonomi Eases the Tension

The Task Force convenes to address the issue of land ownership in the Abydos autonomous zone. Ayane informs the group that the ramen shop and other buildings in the area are no longer under the possession of Abydos High School and were instead transferred to Kaiser Corporation several years ago. This development raises concerns among the members, causing them to question if Kaiser Corporation may be responsible for recent troubles, including attacks. They are uncertain if this suggests malicious intentions towards Abydos and the Task Force, but it has left them feeling uneasy about Kaiser’s overall agenda in the Abydos Desert.

During the discussion about the pressing land issue, Nonomi attempted to uplift the task force’s spirits. She noticed cloud formations that resembled a whale and a dolphin and urged Ayane and Serika to pause and admire them, even though they were determined to continue their work. Nonomi emphasized that feeling down would not be productive and proposed a visit to the aquarium to observe the tranquil jellyfish. Initially hesitant, Serika eventually saw the value in taking a break and joining Nonomi at the aquarium.

Nonomi invited Sensei to join them in visiting the aquarium. Though he was hesitant at first, he ultimately agreed, recognizing the potential benefit of a group outing for the task force during this tough period. Nonomi’s goal was to give the team a much-needed break and boost their morale. She believed that a trip to the aquarium, where they could smile and unwind, could provide some temporary relief.

Sensei suggests visiting the aquarium with the students to lift their spirits during a time of uncertainty. The idea comes to them as they notice cloud formations resembling sea creatures. Nonomi emphasizes the importance of engaging in enjoyable activities like this outing to improve their mood and combat their feelings of gloom. The group views it as a welcome opportunity to take a break and unwind. While it may not solve their problems, Sensei is confident that the trip will have a positive impact on their emotional well-being. He happily decides to join, bringing joy to Nonomi.

In episode 7 of Blue Archive The Animation, the characters face difficult situations but remain optimistic. Despite losing their office, Problem Solver 68 stays positive and is determined to make a comeback. With financial support from Shiroko, the ramen shop owner is determined to repair and reopen his shop. Despite facing challenges with land ownership, Nonomi lifts everyone’s spirits by organizing a trip to the aquarium.

As tensions continue to rise, the aftermath of the startling end-credit scene in the next episode, which includes Shiriko and an unexpected appearance of The Crow, leaves many questions unanswered. The shattered statue of Shiriko only adds to the confusion and speculation.

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