Blue Lock Chapter 259 Spoilers: Kaiser Fails to Grab the Spotlight as Bastard Munchen vs PXG Intensifies

The spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 259 were released on April 22, 2024, with the official translation of the chapter scheduled to be released on April 24, 2024. These spoilers revealed Kaiser’s reaction to Isagi’s Two-gun volley goal and Rin’s desperate attempt to sneak in a goal for PXG. Additionally, the spoilers showed Kaiser’s unsuccessful effort to score a goal, which had already been predicted by Isagi.

The last chapter depicted the jubilant celebrations of Isagi and Bastard Munchen following the successful execution of Isagi’s new technique, the Two-gun volley. The main character effectively explained the goal tactics to Hiyori, allowing fans to witness the distress of Rin and Kaiser. The chapter concluded with Kurona being replaced by Grim.

Please note: The following article may contain spoilers for chapter 259 of Blue Lock.

Blue Lock Chapter 259 Spoilers: Kaiser’s Failed Goal Attempt and PXG’s Desperation to Break the Tie

Rin as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)
Rin as seen in the anime (Image via 8bit)

The chapter’s cover of Blue Lock chapter 259 depicted Kaiser gritting his teeth, as revealed by the spoilers. The chapter opened with Kaiser acknowledging that Isagi had consumed him and Rin entirely with his latest technique. As a result, the German player turned to Ness for a fresh game strategy, as they did not want to be overshadowed by their fellow players.

After being exposed to Blue Lock chapter 259 spoilers, it was revealed that the match had resumed with PXG taking the kick-off, following Bastard Munchen’s previous goal. Kaiser and Ness were determined to score and kept their focus on the ball. Rin received the ball and made a run through the opposing team’s defense. However, when he ran out of options to continue, he was forced to pass to a teammate.

It was unexpected when Charles approached Rin for the pass. Rin was taken aback, having been betrayed by Charles before. Loki, the coach of PXG, revealed Charles’ true intentions – he was a cunning player determined to score. Just as Rin was about to pass to Karasu, Raichi and Hiyori suddenly double teamed him, causing the ball to stray off course.

Kaiser as seen in the manga (Image via Kodansha)
Kaiser as seen in the manga (Image via Kodansha)

Before the PXG player could retrieve the ball, Kurona quickly grabbed it instead. He then motioned for Isagi to begin his run and passed the ball to him, but their play was abruptly halted by Kaiser. The German player yelled for Ness to make a move as they both charged towards the goal for a scoring opportunity.

In Blue Lock chapter 259, spoilers revealed a flashback of Kaiser and Ness discussing a novel chemical reaction that would give them an edge over their opponents in the upcoming game. This reaction revolved around Kaiser’s unique use of his signature move, the Kaiser Impact, to kick the ball in a new and unexpected way.

Ness as seen on the manga volume cover (Image via Kodansha)
Ness as seen on the manga volume cover (Image via Kodansha)

Ness noticed that PXG’s defense was being broken down by the quick and precise Tiqui-Taca passing between the team. Seeing the desperation in Kaiser’s actions, Ness encouraged him to take a shot at scoring a goal. Kaiser, who had already analyzed PXG’s defensive formation, skillfully positioned himself for a shot. Utilizing the technique they had previously discussed, he confidently aimed and kicked the ball towards the goal.

Despite Kaiser’s new technique breaking through PXG’s defense in Blue Lock chapter 259 spoilers, it ultimately fell short of reaching the goal, much to Ness’s surprise. After realizing his shot was unsuccessful, Kaiser let out a desperate scream, causing Isagi to also acknowledge that his new shot was not enough to score.

Concluding Remarks

The Tiqui-Taca, also known as tiki-taka, was demonstrated by Kaiser and Ness in the spoilers for chapter 259 of Blue Lock. This renowned passing strategy has been utilized in the sport of football since its early days. It was prominently used by the Spanish club Barcelona during Pep Guardiola’s tenure.

The origin of the tactic is believed to have been during the 2006 World Cup. Kaiser and Ness’s display of this technique during this stage of the game could suggest that the intensity of the match has increased. While the tactic is typically employed to gain possession, the duo likely utilized it to break through PXG’s defense.

The release date and time for Blue Lock chapter 259 has been announced.

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Michael Kaiser and Rin Itoshi are two characters who are considered to be Isagi’s true rival in the popular manga series, Blue Lock. Their rivalry is thoroughly explored and depicted throughout the story.

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