Boeing Report Reveals ‘Flying Cars’ Plan In The Works

According to a recent report, Boeing has expressed interest in entering the ‘flying car’ industry by the year 2030.

During a recent interview with NikkeiAsia, Boeing’s Chief Technology Officer Todd Citron disclosed the company’s intention to enter the market of ‘flying cars’ in Asia by 2030.

However, these cars will not resemble the ones currently on the roads because Boeing is collaborating with another company to create an “electric vertical take-off and landing craft.”

The Nikkei article features an image depicting the potential appearance of the craft, which greatly resembles a customized helicopter. It is equipped with several propellers on the top, and presumably one at the rear to assist with tail control.

Boeing aims to obtain certification for this in the US within the next few years and subsequently expand the project to Asian nations.

Just weeks prior, Boeing had started to face criticism for numerous problems related to the quality of its airplanes.

In January 2024, during a flight operated by Alaskan Airlines using a Boeing 737-9 MAX, the door plug, which is used to cover the second door on certain models, detached from the side of the plane while it was in flight and caused a failure.

The company is actively taking measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future, but frequent fliers remain cautious about boarding one of their planes.

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