The narrative of the *Boruto* manga has taken an intriguing turn with the introduction of the *Two Blue Vortex* series. Despite an engrossing plot development, one key aspect has been overshadowed: the Otsutsuki clan. As the storyline evolves, the focus has largely shifted to the sentient God Trees, leaving fans anxious about the threat posed by the Otsutsuki.
Otsutsuki Clan: An Ongoing Threat
Readers should not fret about the Otsutsuki clan’s relevance to the unfolding narrative. Teasers from *Boruto: Naruto Next Generations* suggest that two new Otsutsuki members may be introduced by the series’ conclusion, hinting at more complexity and intrigue to come.
Disclaimer: Spoilers from the *Boruto* manga may be present.
Revelations from a Mysterious Wall
In chapter 35 of *Boruto: Naruto Next Generations*, Sasuke Uchiha utilizes his Space-Time Ninjutsu to travel to a cryptic coordinate discovered by Konohamaru. This location was unearthed after Konohamaru extracted data from a downed Kara airship in chapter 17.
Upon deciphering the intel, it became clear that the unique coordinates were only accessible via Space-Time Ninjutsu. This prompted Sasuke to investigate further. Notably, it was later unveiled that Amado Sanzu intentionally placed the information on the crashed ship for Konoha’s ninjas to discover.
Upon arriving at the designated site, Sasuke encountered an unusual wall adorned with six engraved panels, grouped into three pairs. Intriguingly, each engraving represented an Otsutsuki, with four in pristine condition and two heavily damaged.
Implications of the Damaged Engravings
The intact engravings depicted Otsutsuki who have previously come to Earth: Momoshiki, Kinshiki, Isshiki, and Kaguya. The presence of two damaged engravings strongly suggests that two more Otsutsuki could be on the verge of arriving to challenge the existing order.
Notably, evidence indicates that the strength of an Otsutsuki may correlate with the height of their engraving on the wall. Since Kinshiki and Kaguya’s engravings are positioned lower than those of Momoshiki and Isshiki, it’s plausible that the two unnamed Otsutsuki may not exceed their power levels.
While one may possess strength comparable to Momoshiki and Kaguya, the other could align closer to Kinshiki. These considerations prompt intriguing questions: Who tampered with the engravings, and did Isshiki play a role in their destruction due to possible betrayal?
While the narrative does not yet provide answers, the introduction of characters like Shibai, Urashiki, and Toneri Otsutsuki suggests that the two damaged engravings might belong to these notable clan members. This unveils a fascinating link to the Otsutsuki’s tumultuous past, leaving fans eagerly anticipating further developments in the storyline.
As the plotline unfolds, it will be captivating to see how the manga weaves this intricate web, drawing connections between past and present. Fans can only hope that the mysteries surrounding the Otsutsuki clan will be explored in greater detail in upcoming chapters.
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