An intriguing twist has emerged surrounding the anticipated adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis’ renowned novel, *American Psycho*. Surprisingly, the author himself has expressed skepticism about the reported project directed by Luca Guadagnino. This revelation adds another layer of controversy to a narrative already steeped in buzz and dissent.
Historically, *American Psycho*, known for its graphic violence and dark satire, has faced significant backlash. The novel has seen numerous bans and rejections from publishers. Similarly, Mary Harron’s film adaptation drew its share of protests and was embroiled in heated debates regarding its ratings.
Despite the mixed reactions to Guadagnino’s announced remake, Austin Butler’s casting as the iconic Patrick Bateman has somewhat eased the concerns of fans. However, a recent episode of Ellis’ podcast brought unexpected news that could cast a shadow over the project’s legitimacy.
Ellis Questions the Reality of His Own Work
During a segment on The Bret Easton Ellis Podcast, the author made startling claims regarding the proposed film, suggesting it might not be happening at all.
According to Ellis, the buzz surrounding the adaptation appears to be mere speculation meant to gauge audience interest. “I have a feeling it’s fake news,” he stated. “I heard somewhere, from someone, that there are no contracts.”
Ellis elaborated, saying, “Austin Butler hasn’t signed anything to play Patrick Bateman. Luca doesn’t have a deal. Scott Burns, who is supposed to write the screenplay, doesn’t have a deal either. This is just fake news circulated to see how the audience reacts.”
Initial reports about the remake led to a divided response among fans of both the novel and Harron’s film. Nonetheless, Variety’s announcement regarding Butler did shift the conversation, despite including a crucial note that his involvement was not yet finalized, indicating, “Although Butler’s casting has not yet been formalized, sources say an offer is imminent.”
Interestingly, Ellis’ assertions can cohere with the information provided by Variety, as both rely on unnamed insiders. Notably, Ellis has clarified his own lack of involvement: “If it does exist, I am not involved. I have nothing to do with this. I might get some money if they do this, but I am not involved creatively in any capacity.”
This statement raises questions about the project’s status. While Ellis may not be informed about the details, there remains a glimmer of hope that development could indeed be underway. As the certainty around the film unfolds, we will keep you updated. Meanwhile, Butler’s latest portrayal of a villain suggests he could be a compelling choice for the role of Patrick Bateman.
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