Bryce Hall apologizes after insulting “dweeb” Mizkif in Tfue casino Vlog

Bryce Hall expressed regret for his actions after causing a scene and berating Mizkif while being filmed for Tfue’s debut vlog on Twitter/X. The confrontation escalated to the point where Miz was forcibly removed from the casino.

On May 16, 2024, popular content creator Tfue shared a full vlog on X, formerly known as Twitter, featuring his interactions with other influencers.

During the vlog, Tfue and TikToker Bryce Hall were both sitting at a blackjack table inside a casino, with OTK co-founder Mizkif sitting just two seats away. In the video, Hall and Mizkif engaged in a heated exchange, with the TikToker even going as far as requesting for the dealer to have Mizkif removed from the table.

“Bryce Hall exclaimed, ‘This guy’s a dweeb, he’s never witnessed me losing this much money.’”

During his broadcast, Mizkif discussed the “dumb”incident. He began by explaining what happened with Bryce Hall and expressed his frustration with the entire situation.

“Bryce Hall seemed to be treating the lady unkindly. He was getting extremely angry with her…I reassured her by saying that he was just teasing. That was all.”

He clarified that following his insult, Bryce promptly proceeded to demand his departure from the casino, claiming that he was a “broke b*tch”who could not afford any of the luxurious items present.

The video quickly spread on various social media platforms, leading Bryce Hall to issue an apology to Mizkif for his behavior.

In a tweet, he stated that he needed to confront this situation. He had lost around $40k in just 2 hours of gambling, which had put him in a bad mood. He was being provoked by a stranger at the blackjack table while he was already experiencing a string of losses. He also mentioned that he had consumed a few drinks and was lacking sleep at the time.

Bryce Hall Mizkif Apology
Twitter: Bryce Hall

“As soon as I calmed down and recognized that my words sounded disrespectful, I apologized. I am only human and sometimes my emotions get the best of me, causing me to act irrationally. Mizkif, I am truly sorry and I would like to cover your next blackjack buy-in as a gesture of my apology.”

After reading Bryce’s comment, Mizkif responded, “Honestly, I could really use that.”He then proceeded to share a link to his stream.

This is not the first time Bryce Hall has had a confrontation with another influencer, as seen in his recent interaction with Tfue. In March, Bryce was challenged to a boxing match by Taylor Holder, to which he promptly accepted.

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