BTS Jin’s Heartwarming 3-Hour Free Hug Spectacle Breaks the Internet

On June 13, 2024, as part of the 2024 FESTA celebrations, BTS’s Jin delighted his fans with a special hug event called “Jin’s Greetings,”marking his heartfelt return to them.

This event was Jin’s initial public appearance following his discharge from the military, resulting in an unparalleled and heartfelt experience for both the idol and his loyal supporters.

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The endearing celebrity was spotted sporting a cardboard sign around his neck, embellished with the phrase ’embrace me’ and a cute depiction of his own likeness. His closely-cropped hairstyle, a nod to his recent time in the military, enhanced his youthful and friendly look.

Excited fans formed a line, eagerly waiting for their turn to embrace Jin. With a welcoming smile, he embraced each person warmly and tightly. One particular memorable moment was when Jin reassured a nervous male fan, encouraging him to relax and fully enjoy the embrace.

Jin’s free hug event was an exceptional occurrence, considering that it is not often that stars of his status participate in such events. This kind gesture was Jin’s way of commemorating his military discharge and showing appreciation to fans who patiently awaited his return after almost two years.

The warm interactions on TheQoo platform touched netizens, who shared their thoughts on the matter.

  • “Jin is so kind. I’m jealous, but also not.”
  • “The videos are so warm. It’s so nice seeing both Jin and the fans like that.”
  • “LOL what’s with the ‘hug me’ meme drawing keke. Is he a flying squirrel or what.”
  • “Wow, he’ll probably fall sick after that.”
  • “Why is Jin so cute? LOL.”
  • “His love for the fans is insane. I’m f*cking jealous.”
  • “I’m so jealous but also so thankful.”

Jin’s free hug event served as a poignant reminder of the deep connection between himself and ARMY. Through each embrace, his genuine gratitude for his fans and their steadfast devotion throughout the years was clearly conveyed.

As a fan accurately pointed out, “It is heartwarming to witness the interactions between Jin and ARMY. ARMY has eagerly anticipated reuniting with Jin for quite some time!”

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