BTS Member Suga Caught Drunk Driving Near Presidential Office by Police Task Force Officer

The police reported that on August 7th, Suga was discovered lying on the ground near 91 Hannam, a luxury residential complex in Hannam-dong, Seoul. The incident occurred the previous day (August 6th) at around 11 p.m. when Suga fell from an electric scooter while under the influence of alcohol. A task force officer of the National Police Agency, who was patrolling the area near the Presidential Office, witnessed the incident.

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Upon assisting Suga to stand, the task force officer detected the scent of alcohol. This led him to believe that the male idol was potentially driving while intoxicated, and he promptly escorted Suga to a nearby police station. There, a breathalyzer test was administered by a local officer, which revealed that Suga’s blood alcohol concentration surpassed the legal limit of 0.08% and would result in the revocation of his driver’s license. However, at the time of the incident, the responding police were unaware that the individual riding the scooter was a member of the popular group BTS.

According to reports, the electric scooter that Suga was riding that day did not have a seat, making it different from a regular scooter. If the vehicle is classified as a scooter with an internal combustion engine, Suga will be subject to the same investigation procedures as a car accident. This could result in not only the revocation of his license but also additional penalties for violating the Road Traffic Act. However, if Suga’s vehicle is determined to be a standard electric scooter, he may only face a fine of 100,000 won and the revocation of his license.

Electric motorbike

While in his role, Suga verified that he was using an electric scooter as his means of transportation. On August 7th, he shared with a fan community, “I rode an electric scooter home last night after having drinks for dinner,”and acknowledged, “I unknowingly broke the Road Traffic Law by using an electric scooter while under the influence, as I didn’t realize the short distance was not an excuse.”

Suga is currently serving in the military as a social service worker due to a shoulder injury he received in 2020. He began his service at the Nonsan Training Center in March and is expected to complete his service in June 2025.

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