Bungie wins lawsuit against an individual who threatened Destiny 2 community manager

Bungie recently won a lawsuit against an individual for $489,435. The case was regarding the online harassment of a community manager of Destiny 2, including racist voicemails. The incident dates back to August 2022, when the former community manager dmg04 (@A_dmg04 on Twitter) revealed the case’s details, which were reported on by several news sites.

With the case’s conclusion on July 2023, Bungie’s win over the harasser should be an example to counter similar offenders in different workplaces.

No gaming community is free from some form of online harassment, and the Destiny 2 developers seem to have to put up with it often. Some speculate it is Bungie’s lack of communication and transparency that has resulted in the player base mistreating some of the community managers. However, an extreme case often forces one of the parties to take legal action.

Disclaimer: Due to Bungie’s secrecy regarding names in the court order, the following article will not state the names of the individuals involved.

Additional details on Bungie’s win against a racist harasser of Destiny 2’s community manager

As mentioned, the main incident took place in August 2023 and involved heinous voicemails and continuous death threats via voicemails. Fast-forward a year, and the perpetrator didn’t seem as “enthusiastic about showing up in court,”as stated by Kathryn Tewson in their Twitter post.

According to the report, the perpetrator called the community manager’s phone number and left multiple voicemails. Some messages even included cruel requests in which he asked the manager if Bungie could add options to let him kill people of color in Destiny 2.

Roughly 45 minutes after the actions, the perpetrator called the Destiny 2 CM’s wife and left more voicemails. Under the alias of “Clay Bramstone,”the perpetrator sent a pizza to the CM’s door as a cash-on-delivery order. However, the company appears to have successfully put an end to the harassment.

One can only hope things get better between the community and Bungie, with specific individuals learning to differentiate between harassment and simple requests.

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