“Burning Sun” Victim Forced To Take Nude Photo Despite Kneeling Down And Begging

Following the release of the BBC documentary “Burning Sun: Exposing the secret K-pop chat groups”, the Burning Sun Scandal once again gained attention. In addition to revealing the criminal activities of former BIGBANG member Seungri and his associates through journalist interviews, the documentary also featured an interview with a victim.

Specifically, journalist Ko Eun-sang exposed that at “Burning Sun,”a high-profile guest had the ability to select a female patron at random and the club’s staff would take any necessary measures to render her unconscious before handing her over to the VIP.

burning sun

The victim, inspired by reporter Ko, bravely shared her negative encounter at Burning Sun. She recalled, “My friends and I had our own table at Burning Sun, just for girls. After a drink or two, I began to feel strange. I confided in my friend in the restroom, saying ‘I’m feeling unusually drunk tonight. I think I should stop drinking’. Upon returning to our seats, I suddenly woke up on a bed with a man who had been giving me drinks at Burning Sun.”

burning sun

She recounted, “He suddenly charged at me and forcibly removed my clothing. I attempted to scream, but he muffled my cries with his hands. I fought to escape, but he remained on top of me, exerting pressure. He silenced me by covering my mouth with both hands, and continued to restrain me as if performing CPR. I could hardly breathe and felt immense pain in my mouth and ribs. Despite my efforts, I was unable to break free, so I eventually surrendered.”

After enduring excruciating pain, the victim feared for her life as her attacker continued to assault her. Eventually, she gave in and lay there, feeling sick and unable to fight back. In desperation, she pleaded with her attacker to let her go and begged to be allowed to return to her mother. Despite her tears and pleas, the attacker insisted on taking a photo of her, forcing her to make a peace sign as she rushed out, her memories of the ordeal now hazy.

seungri - Jung Joon young thumbnail

As the victim recounted her painful memories in the documentary, viewers were once again moved to harshly criticize the perpetrators. Comments such as “They are not even human, how could they treat women like objects?”and “Those despicable men. While they continue to live comfortably after being released from prison, countless women are still suffering from the trauma they caused”flooded in. Many expressed their sympathy for the victim and other survivors, stating “My heart aches for this girl and all the other victims”and “I wish I could give her a hug, I can’t begin to imagine the horrors she has endured. The story brought me to tears.”

The nightclub Burning Sun, owned by Seungri in Gangnam, Seoul, was revealed to be the site of various illegal activities, including prostitution, drug use, and sexual assault, a few years ago. Seungri and his friends were exposed for their involvement in these crimes, and Seungri was also discovered to be part of a group chat hosted by male singer Jung Joon-young, where they shared illegal videos. As a result, both Seungri and Jung Joon-young were incarcerated and have since completed their sentences.

Seungri Jung Joon Young

Following its initial release, the “Burning Sun”documentary, which delved further into the crimes committed by Seungri and his associates, has once again brought these offenses to light after 5 years. Despite being out for only 5 days, the Burning Sun Scandal continues to generate buzz on social media as a highly discussed topic.

The source of the information is K14.

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