Calisthenics back workout: 5 best no-equipment calisthenics exercises for strong back   

Calisthenics back workout is an excellent way to tone the back muscles, that too with little to no equipment.

Unlike exercises that involve free weights like dumbbells and kettlebells, which can be too hard for the joints, calisthenics exercises are comparatively gentle and promote a longer and healthier lifespan for the joints, but these may also involve equipment like bands, bars and rings.

What muscles do calisthenics back exercises target?

Calisthenics back workout targets the entire back muscles. (Photo via Pexels/ROCKETMANN TEAM)
Calisthenics back workout targets the entire back muscles. (Photo via Pexels/ROCKETMANN TEAM)

Back calisthenics exercises, in particular, strengthen the entire upper and lower back, which includes muscles like latissimus dorsi, trapezius, teres major and minor, rear deltoids, rhomboids and lumbar spine. These exercises also improve thoracic spine mobility and activate the entire posterior chain muscles, too.

In this article, we’ve listed a few of the best exercises that you can add to your calisthenics back workout routine. The good news is that the following exercises are calisthenics back workouts with no equipment, which means you can do them using just your bodyweight and nothing more.

Exercises for intense calisthenics back workout

The following five exercises are effective and can be done as a part of a home workout.

These exercises will help you build a strong and lean back and also enhance overall strength, flexibility and posture.

#1 Superman

Superman is an easy and effective exercise. (Photo via Instagram/keeptrainer)
Superman is an easy and effective exercise. (Photo via Instagram/keeptrainer)

Superman is an easy and effective exercise to add to your calisthenics back workout.

It’s an excellent lower back calisthenics exercise that targets the latissimus dorsi and works on the core muscles at the same time. This exercise targets the shoulders, abs and glutes, too.

To do it:

  • Lie down on the floor with your face down and arms stretched out in front of you.
  • Lift your legs and arms off the floor, and use your upper back to keep the body raised.
  • Engage the core muscles, and keep your head stable. Hold for a few seconds, and lower your legs and hands to the starting position.
  • Repeat.

#2 Bird dog

The bird dog is another very effective isometric exercise that can be added to your calisthenics back workout routine. It improves strength and mobility of the upper body while also targeting the core muscles and stabilizing the spine.

To do it:

  • Take a plank position on the knees, and keep your arms straight under the shoulders. Keep the back straight, palms pressed on the floor and face down.
  • Lift your right arm in the front, and extend your left leg behind you till they get parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for a few reps, and switch sides.

#3 Prone cobra

The prone cobra exercise strengthens the external rotators. (Photo via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)
The prone cobra exercise strengthens the external rotators. (Photo via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto)

The prone cobra is one of the best calisthenics back exercises that not only targets the upper and lower back but strengthens the external rotators of the arms and shoulders, too.

Additionally, it targets the trapezius, latissimus dorsi and core and improves strength of the lumbar spine as well.

To do it:

  • Lie down on a mat with your face down and legs extended straight behind. Keep your arms by the sides and palms under the thighs.
  • Lift your legs and upper torso off the floor by contracting the abs and glutes. Make sure the lower stomach, hips and toes are the only parts touching the floor.
  • Rotate your arms out so that the thumbs are pointed up. Hold the position, and slowly lower your body to the starting position.

#4 Bodyweight rear delt fly

The bodyweight version of the rear delt fly is ideal for beginners and exercisers who don’t want to add weights to their workout. This exercise targets the deltoid muscles and also gives the chest a great workout.

To do it:

  • Lie on the floor with the face up and arms stretched out to the side.
  • Keep the thumbs facing towards the ceiling. Place your feet flat on the floor, and keep the knees bent.
  • Press your palms down against the floor, and start lifting your upper body off the floor. Make sure that the elbows are locked out and the arms are straight.
  • Engage the rear delts, and contract the abs when doing the exercise.
  • Hold at the top, and repeat.

#5 Plank row

Plank row can be added to a calisthenics back workout. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Plank row can be added to a calisthenics back workout. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

While the plank row is considered an amazing core-strengthening exercise, it can also be added to your calisthenics back workout to give your entire upper and lower back an intense workout.

To do it:

  • Start in a plank position with the palms pressed on the floor and feet straight behind. Keep your head in a neutral position.
  • Maintaining the plank position, lift your right arm, and row it along your side.
  • Repeat the movement on the other side, and continue to alternate for a few seconds. Do not bend your hips down, or swing your body from one side to the other.

Calisthenics back workout will not only help you work on your entire back but will strengthen the surrounding muscles, like the shoulders and arms. Moreover, bodyweight calisthenics also allow for a safer and easier approach for beginners.

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