can not wait anymore! Korean netizen self-made AI BIGBANG “forced return” to sing a new song, the VIP burst into tears when he heard it: “It’s the sensibility of the skull album!”

(Cover image source: FB@BIGBANG)

As a VIP editor, I really burst into tears when I heard it, I am so touched and miss it so much ᅲᅲᅲ

Recently, a Korean YouTuber updated a video that attracted attention. He wrote the lyrics, composed the music and sang, and then used AI to replace the voices of BIGBANG members. It sounded like BIGBANG really came back together, and many VIPs were moved to tears!

The YouTuber’s name is “NEWPLE”. Previously, he updated videos of idol group songs with a cappella. On August 1, he released his completely self-produced song “To You”for the first time. From the lyrical piano at the beginning to the thick bass rap of TOP, followed by the loud and clear high pitch of the sun, and then GD’s very personal style rap, even the pronunciation characteristics are restored in place!

Korean netizens, especially VIPs, immediately gave warm praise: “From the melody to the lyrics, it is BIGBANG itself”, “It’s completely the sensibility of the skull album”, “The long-awaited complete body, it’s great to be able to hear it through AI.””The song The wind is really BIGBANG in the early 2010s.””It seems to be so happy to hear their new song.”””The production of lyrics and music is perfect, I really feel like I worked hard to join BIGBANG””How many people miss them, and they actually made their songs themselves kkk””TOP part’s “Anyway, the love during this time has become each other”It’s from “Stupid Liar”yeah, goosebumps””Please do more forced comeback songs”.

The YouTuber said that he came up with this idea after hearing that someone made an AI GD cover of Beenzino’s song, so he created the song according to the style of BIGBANG, sang it himself, and replaced it with the voices of the four members with AI, and disclosed the process of making the song in Shorts. Because the YouTuber himself is also a senior VIP who has loved BIGBANG for many years, he couldn’t hide his surprise and emotion when he heard his voice “become”the sun.

(Source: Screenshot of YouTube@NEWPLE)

In the end, the YouTuber said that he had consulted the Korean Copyright Commission and so on about the copyright of the vocals. The conclusion was that as long as there was no revenue, the YouTuber also expressed that he did not plan to make any revenue, but only used it as a creative resume. It also revealed that the “AI BIGBANG”series will be updated at a rate of one new song a month. Fans who are waiting for BIGBANG’s return can temporarily relieve their sorrow here~

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