Can Screens Make My Eyes Darker? Understanding the Causes of Under-Eye Discoloration and Treatments

Can screens lead to under-eye blemishes? The use of screens in daily life has become commonplace in the digital era. We spend hours each day gazing at screens, whether we’re working on a computer, reading through social media on a smartphone, or binge-watching Netflix on a tablet.

But may all of this screen time be adding to our under-eye bags? The reasons of dark circles and whether screens have a part to play will be discussed in this article.

Why Do Dark Circles Form?

Dark circle remedy at home. (Image via Getty Images)
Dark circle remedy at home. (Image via Getty Images)

People of all ages and skin types have dark circles, which is a frequent cosmetic problem. Dark circles can have a variety of reasons, such as:


Some people simply have genetic predispositions to dark circles, such as thinner skin or deeper tear troughs.


Blood vessels and underlying tissues become more obvious as we age because the skin surrounding our eyes grows thinner and less elastic.

Sleep Deprivation

Dark circles might develop as a result of blood vessel dilation brought on by lack of sleep.


Dark circles can be exacerbated by allergies, which can also lead to edema and irritation.

Sun Exposure

Hyperpigmentation, which may make the skin around the eyes look darker, can be brought on by UV radiation exposure.

Can Screens Cause Under-Eye Discoloration?

Despite the fact that screens do not themselves directly cause dark circles, they can help with the underlying issues. For instance, extended screen gazing can cause eye strain and weariness, which can worsen sleep deprivation and make dark circles more obvious. The blue light that screens generate can also mess with your circadian clock, making it difficult to fall asleep and adding to sleep deprivation.

Additionally, using screens can lead to dehydration, which can accentuate dark circles. We tend to blink less frequently when staring at a screen, which can cause dry eyes and dehydration. Dehydration may also make the skin look dull and make the veins beneath the eyes more obvious, which can make dark circles appear more obvious.

Remedies for Dark Circles

Depending on the underlying reason of dark circles, there are many treatments available. Among the successful treatments are:

Getting Enough Sleep

To help lessen the look of under-eye darkening brought on by sleep deprivation, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.


To help avoid dehydration and keep the skin appearing moisturized and plump, drink lots of water.

Topical Treatments

By boosting collagen formation and tightening blood vessels, topical therapies including vitamin C, retinoids, and caffeine can help minimize the appearance of dark circles.

Sun Protection

Hyperpigmentation may be avoided and dark circles can become less obvious by using sunscreen and limiting your time in the sun.

Lifestyle Changes

Man looking at dark circles in the bathroom mirror. (Image via Getty Images)
Man looking at dark circles in the bathroom mirror. (Image via Getty Images)

Adopting lifestyle adjustments, such as cutting back on screen time, controlling allergies, and adding exercise to your regimen, can help you feel better overall and hide under-eye discolouration.

How Blue Light Affects the Skin around the Eyes

Blue light from displays, particularly those on smartphones and laptops, can harm the skin surrounding the eyes by penetrating it. The oxidative stress and increased inflammation that might result from this can make the tiny blood vessels behind the eyes more obvious. This may give the region a darker tint and exacerbate the look of under-eye discolouration.

How Screen Time Affects Sleep Quality

The quality of your sleep can be impacted by excessive screen time, which can also hasten the development of under-eye discolouration. The hormone that controls sleep-wake cycles, melatonin, can be suppressed by the blue light from screens. Due to the difficulty of falling asleep and staying asleep as a result, weariness and under-eye bags may develop.


Screens can add to the underlying reasons even if they do not immediately cause under-eye discolouration. It can assist to enhance the appearance of the under-eye region and increase confidence by being aware of the reasons of dark circles and implementing preventative and therapeutic measures.

You can lessen the appearance of dark circles and look and feel your best by getting adequate sleep, being hydrated, protecting the skin from UV damage, and adopting lifestyle adjustments.

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