Captain Kerry Threatens Crew on Below Deck for Disrespect on Boat

Captain Kerry Titheradge became enraged with Ben Willoughby and Kyle Stillie after feeling disrespected, and warned them of potential consequences if they did not adhere to his rules.

As the charter season comes to a close on Below Deck Season 11, Captain Kerry Titheradge felt it was important to keep the St. David crew on their toes by conducting a last-minute cabin inspection.

Bosun Ben Willoughby and deckhand Kyle Stillie decided to forgo cleaning their cabins, stating they were occupied with attending to the guests.

During a segment of the May 27 episode of Below Deck, the captain summoned Ben and Kyle to the bridge and reprimanded them for neglecting their duties during the cabin check.

“Blatant disrespect is not acceptable. I have made an effort to assist you throughout this journey,”stated Captain Kerry.

“I have always treated both of you with respect. I have worked tirelessly to support and assist you. Despite facing challenges as a team, is this how you choose to show your gratitude?”

The captain shared his disappointment with the deck team members during his confession, expressing his dissatisfaction with their lack of respect and failure to adhere to the hierarchy in the yachting industry.

Captain Kerry was particularly disappointed with Ben for not meeting expectations after promoting him to Bosun. He had given Ben a leadership role to fill the position vacated by Jared Woodin, but now feels that he has not succeeded in his duties.

After Kyle mentioned that he and Ben had not yet cleaned their cabin, Captain Kerry retorted by revealing that he had seen the deckhand chatting with stewardess Barbie Pascual instead of doing his job.

Following the captain’s stern speech, he compelled the crew members to immediately conduct their cabin checks and warned them of repercussions if they were to refuse.

Despite the charter season coming to an end, Captain Kerry continues to have high expectations for the crew to perform their duties with precision and without any careless errors.

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