CaptainFlowers reveals his absence at League of Legends MSI

CaptainFlowers, a caster and analyst for League of Legends, has announced that he will not be attending this year’s MSI due to concerns for his personal well-being.

CaptainFlowers uploaded a brief video on Twitter/X in which he detailed his choice to not participate in the tournament. He clarified that his contractual agreement did not explicitly require his presence at the event.

Despite this, he assured his fans that his absence was not due to his contract with Riot Games.

This year’s MSI will take place in Chengdu, China, a location that CaptainFlowers described as being about a 25-hour flight from California. He expressed concern about the long travel distance, as it could disrupt his already challenging sleep schedule.

In addition, CaptainFlowers disclosed that he has a soy allergy, which is a common ingredient in Chinese cuisine. With these two challenges in mind, CaptainFlowers has ultimately decided to forgo the trip.

“CaptainFlowers stated that dedicating nearly three weeks to MSI, with little sleep and the constant risk of getting sick from eating, is not beneficial for his success. Therefore, he is prioritizing his mental and physical health first.”

CaptainFlowers announced that he would be attending Worlds instead of MSI this year. Worlds is a significantly larger event compared to MSI, which only has a limited number of teams participating.

Despite not being able to attend MSI, CaptainFlowers’ fans were disappointed by the news but still showed their support for him and prioritized his health above all else. However, they can look forward to his return as he will be casting the LCS Summer Split later this year.

“One commenter remarked, “I’m glad you know what’s best for your big homie. I’ll be patiently waiting for summer.”

The MSI tournament begins on May 1st, featuring the top two teams from each region competing for the title of the best team at the halfway point of the year.

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