Celebrities’ Shocking Struggles: Wanting to See Private Parts + Hanging Over the Bathroom Door

On July 22nd, Kang Min-kyung uploaded a video titled “What Happens When a Fearless Woman Goes to Rural America (2)” on her YouTube channel, “Kyang Mingkyung” .

During the video, Kang Min-kyung reunited with her high school friend and also met one of her friend’s acquaintances. She reminisced about how she first became friends with her high school friend. Before her debut, Kang Min-kyung was already well-known on the internet and had transferred to a new high school during her first year. She recalled, “When I first arrived at the school, a lot of students were hanging from the windows like monkeys. I wasn’t very famous at that time, but the homeroom teacher announced that a trainee who was also a celebrity would be joining the school.”

Kang Min Kyung

Despite my desire to draw attention, I found it uncomfortable to do so. While I have grown accustomed to being in the spotlight, it was a challenge in the past. I had worn coffee-colored stockings, but my teacher insisted on black ones, so I excused myself to the bathroom to make the change. However, to my surprise, someone was hovering over the bathroom door, observing me. This was quite shocking.”

Kang Min-kyung explained to her mother, “I can’t continue attending school under these circumstances.”She added, “During every break, my classmates would take odd photos of me. This was also an issue during my second year.”

During break time, she would often find her classmates covering the windows with newspapers and blocking the front and back doors. She was immensely grateful for this, even though their reason for doing so was their own discomfort. In that environment, she felt herself melting and becoming more at ease.

Likewise, P.O, on July 15th, opened up about the overwhelming amount of attention he receives as a celebrity in an episode of “Zzanbro Shin Dong-yup”on YouTube.


Last September, P.O, who had recently completed his military service, made a guest appearance on “Zzanbro Shin Dong-yup” and shared anecdotes from his time in the military. He recalled, “During our training at the center, there were hundreds of us. We would train, quickly shower, and rush to the shower room. Some of my fellow soldiers would say things like, ‘Let’s see P.O’s joystick’ or ‘Let’s see P.O’s banana’… Their words were audible to me.”

When I entered the shower and removed my clothes, I was unsure of how to act. Since I was with a group of boys, I decided to be spontaneous and went in. Excitedly, I invited them to join me and we playfully joked around while showering. However, things got out of hand and everyone ended up getting hurt, which added even more shock to my already wild experience.

P.O expressed his gratitude for the help of a friend during a time when he was a celebrity and somewhat famous. He mentioned that out of the young men in his platoon, there was one who took care of him and saved his spot while they showered.

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