Celebrity Abducted by Obsessive Fan Who Proposed Marriage

Known for her unique dark, bronze skin tone, Lee Bon earned the affectionate nickname “Black Bean” and garnered a significant male following. But did she truly experience a kidnapping?

In a candid revelation on a popular show, Lee Bon shared a harrowing tale about being kidnapped by an obsessive fan. One chilly day, her manager had gone ahead to the vehicle to activate the heater while she was wrapping up a photo shoot.

After completing the shoot, Lee Bon began walking alone towards the parking lot when she unexpectedly fainted while descending a flight of stairs.

Lee Bon

Upon regaining consciousness, she found herself in an unfamiliar house. Outside, she heard a man questioning, “Why are you doing this and causing trouble?” In that moment, she understood that she had been kidnapped.

However, even in this predicament, Lee Bon felt that her captors were not genuinely harmful. She opened the door and inquired, “Why am I here?”

The man expressed his apologies, clarifying, “I’m a big fan of yours. My younger siblings are such fans that they orchestrated this for me.”

In a surprising twist, rather than panicking, Lee Bon requested they show her around the area since it was her first visit. She subsequently enjoyed a tour of local attractions, indulging in traditional pancakes and makgeolli (Korean rice wine), before they safely returned her home.

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Listeners were astonished, commenting, “That sounds like a kidnapping!” and observing that the entire incident felt more like a film scenario than reality.

The following day, a luxury sports car and a note were left outside her residence. It emerged that the obsessed fan had proposed to her!

Lee Bon promptly returned the car. Despite the fan’s continued romantic gestures over the next few days, he ultimately relented after Lee Bon resolutely turned him down.

Netizens lauded her reaction, noting, “She handled it so wisely” , “This is no ordinary situation. Truly remarkable,” and “Lee Bon was stunning back then.”

Source: Daum


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