Chainsaw Man Chapter 177 Reveals Darker Secrets Behind Yoru’s Statue of Liberty Performance

Undoubtedly, the official release of Chainsaw Man chapter 177 earlier this week was among the most eagerly awaited in the series’ history, especially within the context of the Academy Saga. While the chapter did not unfold as fans might have anticipated, it offered a captivating narrative that sets the stage for significant developments in Chainsaw Man chapter 178.

Particularly, the concluding pages of Chainsaw Man chapter 177 introduce pivotal maneuvers from War Devil Yoru, which appear to involve activating a contract she is now authorized to utilize. This incident evokes memories of the Gun Devil, well-known for making deals with the President of the United States. Coincidentally, Yoru’s actions seem to influence American citizens while awakening something ominous within the Statue of Liberty.

It appears that the occurrences depicted in the latter part of Chainsaw Man chapter 177 are intertwined, suggesting that Yoru is leveraging this contract to awaken whatever dwells beneath Lady Liberty’s copper exterior. Indeed, the very nature of the Statue of Liberty’s design supports this notion, practically confirming that a new and powerful entity is on the verge of being introduced into the series.

Chainsaw Man Chapter 177 May Signal the Arrival of an American Exploit-Inspired Devil

First, it is essential to explore how members of the National Pistol Association of America appeared to have been unknowingly contracted to War Devil Yoru. Specifically, it is probable that they were bound to the Gun Devil without their consent, a premise already established in chapter 75, where the American president sacrificed one year of the lives of all citizens to the Gun Devil.

Consequently, it is likely that the leaders of the National Pistol Association made a parallel contract with the Gun Devil, offering their members as the cost. This theory aligns with the Association’s possibly dubious existence; gun control is stringently regulated among nearly all nations within the story, making the existence of such an organization in America puzzling enough to warrant further clarification.

This also sheds light on why approximately 400 thousand association members who were impacted specifically lost their index fingers—their trigger fingers. If this is accurate, Yoru may be utilizing the price of that contract, those lost trigger fingers, to empower whatever war-themed Devil is concealed within the Statue of Liberty.

This theory gains traction considering that the Statue of Liberty cracks at the conclusion of Chainsaw Man chapter 177, hinting at the presence of something inside that has now been awoken. Many fans have already speculated that series creator, author, and illustrator Tatsuki Fujimoto might be referencing the Monument Mythos web series.

In one of the web series’ episodes, the concept of the “LIBERTYLURKER” is discussed, with the beast emerging from its pedestal in 1985 after the island’s closure within its narrative. Fans are now questioning whether Fujimoto is drawing from similar themes for his upcoming reveal.

This notion certainly aligns with the sacrifice of the index/trigger fingers of 400 thousand National Pistol Association members. By offering this sacrifice to whatever is hidden within the Statue of Liberty, Yoru may be capable of summoning it or even empowering it before using it as a weapon, akin to her manipulation of the Tank and Gun Devils. However, these interpretations remain speculative as this article is published. Fortunately, fans can look forward to enlightening developments in chapter 178, set to release on Tuesday, September 24.


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