Changes to Deadpool since Logan

The unexpected comeback of Laura in Deadpool & Wolverine will not only feature the character in her original form from Logan, as revealed by the star.

The appearances of characters in Deadpool & Wolverine, such as Cowboy Deadpool and Lady Deadpool, have been eagerly awaited. However, the latest trailer for the film has revealed one of the most highly anticipated cameos: the comeback of Dafne Keen as Laura/X-23, the clone of Wolverine from 2017’s Logan.

Despite the final trailer of the film revealing the cameo, fans are still eagerly anticipating Laura’s return in Deadpool & Wolverine. This is a significant development for a character whom many believed would not make an appearance, especially after actor Dafne Keen denied her involvement in the film.

Laura will not simply resume her role from Logan. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Keen revealed that Laura has experienced some personal development.

“According to Keen, Laura has been exposed to many English-speaking individuals, resulting in her developing a neutral accent at times. However, she still speaks Spanish with a slight accent, as expected.”

Prior to the reveal of her being a native Spanish speaker, Laura was mostly silent during her time with Logan. Therefore, having her now speak in English is a significant shift. However, this change goes beyond just her speech, as Keen disclosed that her character has now matured and gained more wisdom.

“I discovered that Laura, who lived in Logan, unexpectedly gained and then tragically lost a father figure. Upon reconnecting with him, she gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for his presence in her life, demonstrating a newfound wisdom and realization of his significance to her.”

When Laura departed with a group of mutant children in search of Eden, Logan’s final request to her was that she not repeat his mistake of becoming a weapon. However, she has not been seen since.

The collaboration of Deadpool and Wolverine provides a one-of-a-kind chance to depict Laura’s journey after the events of Logan, and it appears that she has evolved into a more controlled version of herself. The initial portrayal of the character showed her being visibly frustrated and scared, unleashing her anger on those around her.

It is also unclear from the trailer which version of Laura is being depicted. However, it has been revealed through sneak peeks that Hugh Jackman is portraying a different iteration of Wolverine in this film compared to the one who died in Logan.

It is probable that this is the identical incarnation of Laura that we previously witnessed, and the way she interacts with that version of Logan will shape her connection with the new Wolverine. However, we will have to wait until the movie is released to confirm.

Until their release on July 26, you can catch Deadpool and Wolverine in theaters. In the meantime, you can also stay updated on other upcoming Marvel movies such as Captain America 4 and The Fantastic Four.

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