Clock Tower Puzzle Solution | Club BPEMA Passcode – Stellar Blade Guide

The action-adventure video game, Stellar Blade, is highly sought-after for its numerous passcodes and puzzle challenges that players must overcome in order to advance in the game’s storyline.

One of the initial puzzles you will come across involves a large clock tower, where a passcode is required to gain access to Club Bpema during the second main quest, Scavenger Adam.

How to solve the Clock Tower puzzle in Stellar Blade?

Passcode for the entrway of Clun Bpema
Passcode for the entrway of Clun Bpema

It was mentioned earlier that the clock tower can be found behind the players as they face the entryway of Club Bpema. As a result, one must turn around and look up at the sky in order to locate it.

Clock Tower in Stellar Blade
Clock Tower in front of Club Bpema in Stellar Blade

If your view of the tower is obstructed by a large pillar, try shifting slightly to either side to locate the clock tower.

The solution to this riddle remains constant and does not fluctuate over time. The code is identical for all participants and is not subject to change.

Despite the clock tower being stationary and non-operational, the clock hands will consistently indicate 12 Hours and 25 Minutes.

After entering the passcode on the keypad at the entryway, the gate to Club Bpema will unlock, allowing you to continue to the next area in the Scavenger Adam quest.

About Stellar Blade

The PlayStation 5 game console released Stellar Blade, an action-adventure video game developed by Shift Up and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, on April 26, 2024.

Stellar Blade is set in a post-apocalyptic Earth and is played in the third person perspective. The game’s combat revolves around anticipating your opponent’s moves and executing perfectly timed counterattacks.

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