College Football 25 players criticize EA for disappointing Road to Glory mode

Despite generally positive reviews for College Football 25, some players expressed disappointment in the Road to Glory game mode, citing a few notable flaws that failed to meet their expectations.

The goal of Road to Glory is for users to create a player and experience the life of a student-athlete. This includes managing a weekly schedule, maintaining a good GPA, and managing their public image. In order to earn more playing time, players must gain the trust of their coach. Additionally, they can strive to win the Heisman trophy on the field.

During its initial release, the game mode was plagued by a glitch that caused players to suddenly become superstars overnight. This was due to a single practice session rewarding tens of thousands of XP. As a result, created players were able to jump from a 60 overall rating to a 98, completely undermining the intended progression of the game.

Despite EA patching the issue, there are still a few other lingering problems that players are urging the development team to address.

A disgruntled player of CFB 25 expressed their dissatisfaction on Twitter and stated, “The developers did not do a good job with Road to Glory.”

The person noted that the upgrade system is flawed because a catch is only worth 67 XP, while a yard is only worth one. This makes it difficult to earn enough skill points to realistically upgrade your player.

To combat this, players have the option to adjust the XP gain using the sliders, allowing their custom character to progress at a quicker rate.

Another user asserted that the play calling was abysmal.

In Road to Glory, players are not given the option to select plays. Instead, it is the coaches who make the play decisions, and players are only granted a limited number of changes depending on the level of trust they have earned from their coach. However, instead of having access to the entire playbook, users are limited to selecting from three alternative plays after using a change.

“I share the same sentiment,”replied a third user. “I am the starter and have a higher rating than the other player at my position, yet he receives significantly more playing time than me.”

Having a higher overall rating does not always guarantee more playing time. Depending on your position, there may be situations where the coach decides to sub you out during critical moments, which should not occur.

Although there are many positives to be found in Road to Glory and the enjoyable experience of taking a player on a four-year journey, it is evident that players desire some modifications to enhance their overall experience.

Keeping this in consideration, EA has assured a significant update in the near future that will bring about significant changes to all game modes.

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