Complete Guide to Achieving All Marks in Arcane Lineage

Complete Guide to Achieving All Marks in Arcane Lineage

In the world of Arcane Lineage, players can unlock three noteworthy marks that enhance their characters with unique abilities. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps necessary for acquiring all Arcane Lineage marks, providing you with detailed instructions and helpful tips.

Unlocking the Astra Mark in Arcane Lineage

The Astra Mark equips your character with robust buffs and healing abilities meant for supporting allies. To activate these capabilities, players need to gather Constellations, which can be earned by landing critical hits or applying debuffs on opponents while equipped with the Astra Mark.

Once you have collected enough Constellations, they will serve as the currency for unlocking the following special abilities:

  • Edo: Grants allies a random buff (cost: 5 Constellations)
  • Udo: Fully restores energy and health (cost: 2 Constellations)
Forgotten Sanctum in Arcane Lineage
Screenshot by Twinfinite

Step 1: Craft the Celestial Emblem

The first step towards acquiring the Astra Mark is crafting the Celestial Emblem, which requires the following materials:

  • 5 Astral Shards
  • 1 Stellian Core
  • 15, 000 Gold

To obtain Astral Shards, wait for a meteor to strike at night, which is indicated by a “Kaboom!” alert in the game chat. Head to your mini-map for the meteor’s location, as it varies each time. Alternatively, you can farm Astral Shards from Star Slimes.

The Stellian Core is typically dropped by Thorian, the Rotten boss, located in the Deeproot Canopy. With a health of 2, 600, he is particularly susceptible to fire and holy damage, but remember that he is immune to curses, hexes, and plagues.

When you acquire all necessary materials, head to the middle path of the Deeproot Depths and enter the Forgotten Sanctum. You will find an old accessory fuser where you can create the Celestial Emblem using the ingredients you’ve gathered.

Step 2: Vanquish All Nighttime Enemies

With the Celestial Emblem equipped, your next goal is to defeat all four types of night creatures:

  • Goblin
  • Night Raider
  • Sentient Darkness
  • Star Slime

You’ll encounter Goblins, Sentient Darkness, and Star Slimes throughout the Deeproot area, whereas Night Raiders primarily inhabit the desert biome. Remember, these enemies only spawn at night. After defeating all these foes, speak to the Illustris NPC at the Church of Rapheon.

Finally, you must face off against Arkhaia, the boss located in the Cult of Thanasius, while still wearing the Celestial Emblem. After defeating him, simply reset your character by jumping into the void at the Blade of the World entrance. Once you respawn, your character will have earned the Astra Mark.

Obtaining the Venia Mark in Arcane Lineage

While the Venia Mark may not provide any active special abilities, it grants access to an exclusive artifact shop, essential for enhancing your character’s build. Note that the artifacts available in this shop are purchased with Primal Essence currency.

The Void to wipe characters in Arcane Lineage
Screenshot by Twinfinite

Step 1: Sell Lesser Artifacts

Before proceeding to sell your lesser artifacts, first ensure you have unlocked the Midas Enchant, which is accessible from level 1 onwards. Here’s a list of lesser artifacts eligible for sale:

  • Phoenix Tear
  • Lineage Shard
  • Soul Dust
  • Resplendent Essence
  • Memory Fragment

These lesser artifacts drop randomly from Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon boss found in Mount Thul. As one of the less challenging bosses, you should have no difficulty farming these items. Aim to gather at least 50, 000 Gold during this stage.

Step 2: Gather Four Soul Quivers

At this point, you will notice four Orbs of Greed appearing on the map, each located in different areas. Collectively, you need to offer three artifacts to each orb in exchange for Soul Quivers, essential for acquiring the Venia Mark. Here’s where to locate all four orbs:

  • Blades of the World Covenant in the desert ravine.
  • Near the entrance of Deeproot Depths.
  • Behind a mountain close to Cladera Town, where the Martial Artist trainer resides.
  • Icerift Approach, right of the Tundra gate.

Proceed to each location, sacrificing three artifacts you possess for a Soul Quiver in return. By the end, expect to have four Soul Quivers, along with the following artifacts:

  • Stellian Core
  • Narthana’s Sigil
  • Phoenix Tear
  • Void Key

The Stellian Core and Void Key drop from Thorian, the Rotten in the Deeproot Canopy, while Narthana’s Sigil and Phoenix Tear can be obtained through combat with Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon. Also, ensure you still have the aforementioned 50, 000 Gold. When you possess these items, head to the Blade of the World for a character wipe. Upon respawning, your character will be marked with the Venia Mark.

Acquiring the Petent Mark in Arcane Lineage

The Petent Mark is the final mark available in Arcane Lineage, permitting both you and your allies to utilize teleports for expedited travel through the expansive game world.

Defeating mobs in Arcane Lineage
Screenshot by Twinfinite

Step 1: Defeat All Mobs

To initiate the process of obtaining the Petent Mark, complete all quests and defeat every mob in the game at least once. Below is a list of quests located in Caldera Town, along with their requirements:

Quests Requirements
Starter Quest 250 Gold at Lvl.1-3
Potion Help 1x Any Potion
Package Delivery None
Guild Request Help 1x Sand Core
Spare Gold Any amount of Gold.
Looking for Help 1x Energy Elixir if Orderly, Free if Chaotic.
Ingredient Help 2x Slime Chunk, 1x Cryastem
Tor’run’s Final Request None
Relieve Cursed Corpses None
Ingredient Help 3x Carnastool
Someone is Going to Die 1x Crylight
Taking in the Sights None
Crylight Needed 1x Crylight

Step 2: Explore All Locations

Next, you must visit all locations within the game at least once and defeat each boss, including:

  • King Slime
  • Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon
  • Thorian, the Rotten
  • Metrom’s Vessel
  • Seraphon
  • Arkhaia

Here are all the locations you must visit in Arcane Lineage to unlock the Petent Mark:

  • Caldera Town
  • The Crossing
  • Icerift Approach
  • Waving Sands
  • The Old Ruins
  • Blades Sanctuary
  • Mount Thul
  • Inferno Chamber
  • Westwood
  • Deeproot Canopy
  • Deeproot Depths
  • Cessgrounds
  • Amoran Chasm
  • Cursed Remnants
  • Forgotten Sanctum
  • Temporal Jailhouse
  • Fragmented Jailhouse
  • Spirit Realm

Step 3: Enter All Voids

In addition to exploring overworld locations, you also need to visit all three Voids using the Void Key. This includes:

  • Tundra Void
  • Blades of the World Void
  • Deeproot Canopy Void

When exploring these Voids, make sure to complete the corresponding trials:

  • Zombie Mushroom Trial (Tundra Void)
  • Sand Golem Trial (Blades of the World Void)
  • Cursed Corpse Trial (Deeproot Canopy Void)

After fulfilling all these criteria, be sure to unlock the Soul Vault perk in the Path of Sundry soul tree. Then, insert your Void Key into the Soul Vault and reset your character at the Blade of the World. Upon respawning, your character will be endowed with the Petent Mark.

This concludes your guide on acquiring all marks in Arcane Lineage. For further assistance, check our Arcane Lineage Tier List for the best classes ranked, along with other guides like Clover Retribution Trait Tier List, Clicker Heroes Tier List, and Best Team Compositions in Enigma of Sepia.

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