In the world of Anime Defenders, unlocking the exclusive Christmas map involves locating all Christmas Present locations scattered throughout the game lobby. While some presents are straightforward to find, others necessitate a more meticulous search. If you’re on the quest for specific presents, this comprehensive guide serves to assist you in your exploration.
Where to Find the Christmas Presents in Anime Defenders
Listed below are all the Christmas Present locations in Anime Defenders, making it easier for you to collect them all efficiently.
Location 1: Play Room
- The first present can be found behind the initial Christmas Tree located in the Play Room.
Location 2: Summon Room
- This present is positioned behind the Crafting table in the Summon Room.
Location 3: Main Lobby
- Look behind the Trading Portal within the main lobby to find another present.
Location 4: Near the Trading Portal
- Another present is tucked away next to a tree adjacent to the Trading Portal.
Location 5: Raid Portal Area
- This present is located right at the entrance of the Raid portal area.
Location 6: Athyenx Realm Portal
- Head behind the Athyenx Realm Portal, where you will find another present.
Location 7: Near the Leaderboards
- Look for a present near a small garden bush to the right of the Leaderboards.
Location 8: Center of the Map
- Seek behind the Wishing Fountain located at the center of the map to find another gift.
Location 9: Golden Tree Area
- This present is cleverly hidden behind the Golden Tree area on the left side of the map, just before the Play area.
Location 10: Leaderboard Building
- This is the most challenging present to acquire. It rests atop the Leaderboard building. To reach it, ascend the right pillar of the Leaderboard using the jump button, then maneuver to the left side until you reach the ledge. Approach as closely as possible and click on the Present to collect it.
For additional insights into Anime Defenders, be sure to check out our guides on the Anime Defenders Tier List and All Traits in Anime Defenders.
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