Complete Guide to All Answers for Hogwarts Escape Room

The Hogwarts Escape Room is an exciting virtual escape room featuring intriguing puzzles inspired by the Harry Potter universe. This guide will help you understand each puzzle and its solutions in detail.

All Harry Potter Hogwarts Escape Room Answers

Diagon Alley Bricks

The clue for this puzzle is located in the top right corner of the brick image. The arrows indicate that right is interpreted as left and up as down (A1). Following these directions will lead you to the solution (A2), which is brick 3.11.

Flourish and Blotts Book Shop

The hints of Flourish and Blotts Book Shop in Hogwarts Escape Room
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To solve this puzzle, analyze all six hints provided to determine the correct order of the books on the shelf. Start with the third hint, indicating that One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi occupies spot number 3. Then use hint two to identify that Magical Theory is in the first position and A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration comes next.

Following the first hint identifies A History of Magic as the last book. Move on to the sixth hint, which places Magical Beasts and Where to Find Them in spot 7. Hint five indicates The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection is fifth and hint four places Magical Drafts and Potions in spot four. Conclusively, The Standard Book of Spells (1) goes in the final slot, spot 6, yielding the answer 34567182.

Ollivander’s Wand Shop

The Rebus puzzle in Ollivander's shop in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The Ollivander shop features a rebus puzzle. You must interpret each image, convert them to words, and apply the modifications indicated around them to reveal part of the wand’s wood and cores. For example, the first clue features a lock with a b placed in front and the letter o swapped for a. Transforming ‘lock’ into block and changing the ‘o’ to ‘a’ results in black. Complete this process for all images to arrive at the final answer, black walnut dragon heartstring. Ensure correctness when entering this answer to avoid errors.

Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans

The solution for the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans puzzle in Hogwarts Escape Room
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This puzzle requires dividing each number in the sequence by 4, the amount of Bertie Botts boxes acquired. Dividing 531 by 4 results in 132.75, which does not correspond to the numbers of the yellow jelly beans. However, dividing 687 by 4 provides 171.75, indicating that the first digit in the code is 1 and the next digit is 4. Continuing this process, dividing 171.75 by 4 transforms it to 10.73. Use the numbers from the jelly beans to form the code 1467.

The Harbour

The solved crossword in Hogwarts Escape Room
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Familiarize yourself with these Harry Potter facts to complete the crossword successfully.

  • Dudley’s mother refers to him as Diddykins.
  • Umbridge desires to use Veritaserum on Harry.
  • Scourgify is a useful cleaning spell.
  • Slughorn calls Ron Wallenby at The Three Broomsticks.
  • Both Monkshood and Wolfsbane are part of the Aconite plant family.
  • Luna applies the Episkey spell on Harry’s injury.
  • Troy netted the first goal in the Quidditch match.

Inserting these words into the crossword leads to the girl’s name, Leonora.

Sorting Hat

Part of the Harry Potter experience is the excitement of being sorted, even if your desired house is a specific one.

  • Choose keeping secrets to be sorted into Slytherin.
  • Select making friends to join Hufflepuff.
  • Pick learning new information for Ravenclaw.
  • Choose getting what you want for Gryffindor.

Unlocking the Common Room

The solution for the Common Room maze puzzle in Hogwarts Escape Room
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This puzzle involves entering the maze from the bottom and navigating to the center, as illustrated in the above image. The correct path will spell out the password Transfiguration for the door.

The Hallway

To unlock doors, use the spell Alohomora.

Locked Hallway Door

The clue on the locked hallway door in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The name Alohomora consists of 9 letters. The clue at the door’s bottom left reveals numbers one through nine with various additions or subtractions. To solve this, convert each letter in Alohomora to its alphabetical position, apply the provided numbers, and revert to letters. This will yield the password Wearesaga.

The Gargoyles

For this puzzle, identify which spell to use on each gargoyle in order to proceed. The spellbook pages outline various spells and their uses. The required sequence of spells is: Incendio, Aguamenti, Silencio, Reducio.

Slytherin Common Room

Lorena’s postcard features a pattern of four colored bars in the order blue, green, purple, red. On the back, potions align with these colors. Count the potions for each color and arrange them in the same order to solve the lock, yielding the code 2534.

The Threatening Note

This puzzle involves a clever play on words; the room containing the most stories is a Library.

Mrs. Norris

This puzzle splits into two parts: a letter grid and a set of symbols. Overlay each symbol onto the grid. Noticeable letters that stand apart from the lines form the word Avoid.

The Restricted Section

A lock puzzle awaits in The Restricted Section. A three-digit code is concealed within a set of three-digit clues. Each clue indicates which numbers belong in the code and their respective positions. Start with the fourth clue which eliminates the numbers 9, 5, and 1 from consideration (A1). Proceed with the first two clues to derive the third digit (A2), then combine the third and fifth clues to extract the first digit (A3). The second clue will reveal the second digit (A4), giving the final code 264.

Saga’s Riddle

The hidden numbers in Saga's Letter in Hogwarts Escape Room
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Six numbers are concealed throughout the letter and embedded within the words. The image above illustrates their locations, allowing you to uncover the final code 187249.

Polyjuice Potion

The correct letters in Hogwart Escape Room's Polyjuice Potion puzzle
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The ingredient list for the Polyjuice Potion consists of a number alongside each ingredient’s name. Each ingredient contributes one letter to the answer of the puzzle. The number next to each ingredient signifies which letter from its name is used. By identifying all these letters as illustrated in the image above, you will arrive at Diffindo.

Potions Class

The clue to find Leonora's last name in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The colors displayed above the classroom door indicate the order of the seven colors, with each color linked to a specific object and number. Identify the name of each object and utilize the number in the colored circle to deduce which letter from the name represents Leonora’s last name. For instance, the blue circle on the sword displays a 1, indicating that the final letter of Leonora’s surname is s. Continue this method to reveal her last name, Travers.

Wizard’s Chess

Beating your opponent in Wizard Chess in Hogwarts Escape Room
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Winning at Wizard’s Chess requires identifying the locations of the pieces indicated on the paper. Substitute the positions they would be in with the equation to achieve 394. Subsequently, employ the dial next to the board to translate the values into the answer, 713.

Astronomy Tower

The clues needed for the Jupiter moon puzzle in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The planets depicted on the globe appear in the order green, red, yellow, blue. Locate the associated numbers in the same color sequence to deduce the code 1284. This refers to the diameter in kilometers (not the moon’s name) as indicated by the K.M on the telescope; the only moon of Jupiter with this measurement is Callisto.

Moon Phases

Determining moon phases involves counting the yellow and blue stars. There are 10 yellow stars, making page 10 the answer. The six blue stars denote the sixth moon, which is Waning Gibbous.

Forbidden Forest

This puzzle consists of three steps; proceed slowly and carefully. The first image shows two signs with symbols with hidden numbers (A1). The top sign translates to 8, 4, 2, 15, 8 and the bottom sign to 23, 15, 2, 10, 19. Refer to the second sign (A2), where each numbered symbol corresponds to a letter. Number the symbols from 1 to 24, then convert the numbers to the respective symbols. Finally, use the conversion provided at the end of the page (A3) to transform the symbols into names Silas and Galen. Input it as Silas galen.

The Midnight Duel part 1

The descriptions of Silas and Galen in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The spells needed against each boy can be identified by taking the first letter of each word in their descriptions, spelling out the name of the spell. For Silas, the spell is Flipendo, while for Galen, it is Rictusempra. Write this as Flipendo Rictusempra.

The Midnight Duel part 2

Solving the final Midnight Duel puzzle in Hogwarts Escape Room
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The winning spell is found by identifying letters linked to each color using their corresponding cards. Each color includes two to three letters based on the number in the star, in the heart, and the lower right corner. Arrange the letters of each color from left to right according to their card numbers, and then sort each color’s letters left to right on the table. The final spell will be Petrificus Totalus.

Final Exam

  • Question 1 – Transfiguration
  • Question 2 – Reducio
  • Question 3 – Diffindo
  • Question 4 – Lethe River Water, Mistletoe Berries, and Valerian Sprigs
  • Question 5 – New Moon
  • Question 6 – Serpensortia

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