Complete Guide to All Map Symbols in Wild Bastards

Navigating the map can sometimes present challenges, which is why we’re focusing on all map symbols explained in Wild Bastards. This guide will help you understand what each symbol represents, so you’ll know what to expect from various locations.

Map Symbols Explained

A map in Wild Bastards
Image source: Maximum Entertainment via Twinfinite

Below are the common map symbols and their meanings:

  • Stairway: identifiable by the upward arrow; using this will beam your outlaws back to the ship once one person reaches it.
  • Shop: marked by its sign, you can purchase shields or health items here.
  • Teleports: look for the two spikes; these allow quick travel to discovered teleport locations.
  • Roadblock: these symbolize enemies; defeat them to proceed.
  • Satellite (orbital bombardment, invulnerability drop): utilize these to weaken enemy forces or obtain unique items during battles.
  • Pawn shop: identified by the Infamy sign, trade items here for Infamy points.
  • Chaste and Sons (launchpad): this is the arrival point for the Prince; it’s best to stay clear of this area.
  • Thief: engage this NPC to steal items from various map locations.
  • Buffalo herd: release these creatures to manage wandering enemies, either by reducing their numbers or defeating them.
  • Bounty hunter: these armed NPCs can assist you in combat scenarios.
  • Trained Gunhand contract: use this to recruit mercenaries for your missions.
  • Snowbank: this will hinder your outlaws’ movement and end their turn.
  • Guesthouse: recover armor or health points by resting here.
  • Enemy data cache: gather this to gain insights into awaiting foes.
  • Helix: collect this item to revive an outlaw after leaving the planet.
  • Money: gather these sacks to earn credits.
  • Armor: collect to replenish your armor supply.
  • Bag of health: restore health points by collecting this item.
  • Nitro: obtain this fuel-tank icon to increase your move actions for your turn.
  • Portal: stepping into this icon teleports you to a random spot on the map.

This concludes our overview of map symbols in Wild Bastards.


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