Complete Guide to All Spell Combos in Dragon Age: Origins

Despite its age, Dragon Age: Origins is being revisited by fans in anticipation of the upcoming release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, set for October 31, 2024. If you are immersing yourself in the series as you await this new installment, explore this detailed guide on the various spell combinations available in Dragon Age: Origins!

Comprehensive Spell Combinations in Dragon Age: Origins

Magic is a fundamental element in the Dragon Age universe, and utilizing spell combinations can significantly increase your team’s effectiveness in battle. These combinations occur when specific spells are cast on the same target.

In Dragon Age: Origins, players can discover ten unique spell combinations. Each combination unveiled generates an entry in the player’s Codex within the game.

A blonde mage looks at the magic forming in her hand in Dragon Age: Origins.
Screenshot courtesy of BioWare
Spell Name Combination Effect
Advanced Reanimation Spell Might + Animate Dead Summons a skeleton minion equal to 0.9x the caster’s level.
Combination Death Hex + Death Cloud If a target affected by Death Hex enters a Death Cloud, it triggers Entropic Death, inflicting 200 + 2x your number of Specialization Points in spirit damage.
Flame Quencher Grease Fire (Grease + Any Fire Spell) + Blizzard Extinguishes a Grease Fire.
Grease Fire Grease + Any Fire Spell Igniting Grease (cast using the Grease spell) creates a Grease Fire, causing 30 fire damage every 1.5 seconds for 20 seconds to any target within the area.
Improved Drain Vulnerability Hex + Drain Life or Mana Drain Combining the Vulnerability Hex with Drain Life increases damage by 100% and healing by 100%. Pairing it with Mana Drain extracts 50% more mana from the target.
Nightmare Sleep + Horror Nightmare inflicts 100 + 1x the number of Specialization Points in spirit damage, dispelling the Sleep effect and applying Horror to the target.
Paralysis Explosion Glyph of Paralysis + Glyph of Repulsion Paralysis Explosion immobilizes all targets within a 7.5m radius for a duration of 20 seconds times the target’s rank.
Shattering Petrify or Cone of Cold or Hand of Winter + Critical Hit or Stonefist or Crushing Prison This combination instantly eliminates the target, but it does not affect enemies ranked Lieutenant or higher.
Shockwave Crushing Prison + Force Field Deals 50 + 0.5x the number of Specialization Points in physical damage and knocks down all nearby targets, excluding your primary target.
Storm of the Century Spell Might + Blizzard + Tempest Drains an additional 100 mana from the caster when the final spell is cast, lasts for 30 seconds, dealing 40 + 0.4x the number of Specialization Points in electrical damage every two seconds, while also draining stamina equal to the damage inflicted.

Be sure to check out how the factions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard pay tribute to Dragon Age: Origins, where your base will feature a kitchen available for your companions to utilize.


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