In the immersive universe of Honkai Star Rail, players find themselves engaged in a blend of thrilling combat, captivating story cutscenes, and an array of collectibles. One intriguing category of these collectibles are the blue beetle nymphs; particularly, those found in the Strife Ruins.
To unlock the rewards associated with collecting all nymphs in the Strife Ruins, keen observance of their distinctive blue antlers is essential as you navigate through the environment. Below, we provide a comprehensive guide to the locations of each blue beetle nymph hidden within the ruins.
1. Sage Nymph
Location: Near the entrance’s bonfire
Upon entering the Strife Ruins, look to your right where a bonfire is situated by the stairs. Amid the flames, you’ll find the Sage Nymph enjoying its warmth.
2. Mighty Nymph
Location: Secluded room in the second area
In a hidden chamber within the second zone, repair the broken pillar to reveal the Mighty Nymph.
3. Disguised Nymph
Location: On a red glyph in the second area
Near the large exit door, keep an eye out for the Disguised Nymph perched atop a red glyph.
4. Kind Nymph
Location: Golden sigil behind an unfixable broken pillar
After teleporting to the third area, search for a broken pillar in a corner. While it cannot be repaired, you can move around it to locate the Kind Nymph on the adjacent wall.
5. Unyielding Nymph
Location: Near broken artifacts behind a door
You can find the Unyielding Nymph to the right side of a hallway, among some shattered golden artifacts.
6. Traveling Nymph
Location: Inside wooden crates
The Traveling Nymph is nestled within a set of wooden crates located in the room featuring the ball puzzle.
7. Motivated Nymph
Location: Edge of a platform next to the infested stairs
After a cutscene with Phainon inquiring about March 7th, search on the ground for the Motivated Nymph.
8. Anxious Nymph
Location: Mural near a Golden Scapegoat
Upon completing the Golden Scapegoat puzzle adjacent to the wrecking ball, look for the Anxious Nymph depicted on a nearby mural.
9. Guard Nymph
Location: Mural down the stairs
Progress into the next zone and as you descend the stairs, scan the wall for a blue mural displaying the Guard Nymph.
10. Brave Nymph
Location: atop a stone sword
Look for the Brave Nymph positioned on a stone sword within a small chamber that also contains Precious Treasure, which is protected by an enemy.
11. Hot-blooded Nymph
Location: Ground past the big door
After solving the puzzles noted above, open the grand double doors and check the floor to discover the Hot-blooded Nymph.
12. Tremulous Nymph
Location: Next to a Space Anchor
Advance to the next area and just before confronting the final boss, look beside the Space Anchor to encounter the Tremulous Nymph.
13. Sad Nymph
Location: In front of a statue
Within one of the puzzle rooms, locate the Sad Nymph perched atop the rails of a bridge, gazing towards a statue.
14. Determined Nymph
Location: Centerpiece of Chisel Zone
Utilizing the Hand of Zagreus, reach for the bug perched on the centerpiece of the Chisel Zone within the Strife Ruins.
15. Brooding Nymph
Location: Right side of the chained bridge
As you ascend the chained bridge, remain close to the right side to discover the Brooding Nymph below.
That concludes our guide to locating all the nymphs in the Strife Ruins of Honkai Star Rail. While you’re here, consider exploring the Butterflies and Living Flames of Greorios in Okhema for more collectible madness!
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