Complete Guide to Animal Food Recipes in Zoochosis: How to Prepare Nutritional Meals

Complete Guide to Animal Food Recipes in Zoochosis: How to Prepare Nutritional Meals

When you’re tasked with preparing meals for the animals across various enclosures in Zoochosis, certain essential procedures come into play. The initial tutorial provides a brief overview of the mechanics, but leaves a lot for you to uncover during gameplay. Thankfully, we’ve compiled a straightforward guide that outlines all the animal food recipes and instructions for food preparation in Zoochosis.

Making Food for Animals in Zoochosis

Cold Room and Brick Trolley in Zoochosis
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

To gain access to the Cold Room, you must first unload the Brick Trolley from the train (if it isn’t already unloaded) and maneuver it along the track until the freezer doors open. Inside, you’ll find Food Bricks sorted into loading bins under the following categories:

  • Vegetable
  • Herbal
  • Fish
  • Meat

Keep in mind that each food type is available in limited quantities during the game. You start the game with 20 KG of each type, except for Meat, as indicated by the figures posted on the wall by each loading bin. If you deplete a bin of bricks, you can pull the lever beside it to replenish the stock, but the quantity will decrease with each use. Be sure to manage these resources wisely.

Before visiting a new animal enclosure, collect the necessary food bricks to create their designated meals. Load these onto the Brick Trolley and return it to the train. Use the lever on the side of the train to load it inside, then hop on board. We recommend preparing your meals before heading to the enclosure, to minimize any potential errors and save time.

Kitchen Factory station in Zoochosis
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

All food is crafted at the Kitchen-Factory station located on the train (as illustrated above), and what you loaded onto the Brick Trolley constitutes your food supply.

Engage with the computer located above the counter to initiate the preparation process. A menu will appear featuring all of the zoo’s animal species on the left, along with the ingredients needed for their meals. The ‘Deviation’ column on the right indicates the acceptable limit for over or under portioning the approved food. If you exceed the prescribed deviation percentage for a recipe, it may endanger the health of the animals.

Select the animal for which you wish to prepare food, and the recipe will appear in the center of the screen. Once you’re ready, click ‘Cook’ and choose which type of brick to slice first. Then, select ‘Cut’, and the brick will be positioned at the counter, marked by a red laser guiding your cut.

Cutting a vegetable brick in Zoochosis
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Important: Move the portion of the brick you intend to utilize to the RIGHT side of the cutting blade. The leftover piece on the left will remain intact.

The computer will display the quantity needed from that brick along with its total weight beneath. Aim to be as close as possible to that target, then cut to include it in the mixture. Your percentage of deviation will be shown afterward. Achieving a 0.00% deviation after cutting will unlock the ‘Food Ninja’ achievement.

It’s crucial to note that you don’t need to prepare individual meals for every animal within an enclosure; a single batch will suffice to feed all of them automatically. Once they are fed, you can proceed with gathering the necessary samples and readings.

Feeding Mutated Animals in Zoochosis

The second tab on the computer at the Kitchen-Factory station outlines recipes for various mutated animal variants, provided you have advanced sufficiently in the game. It’s essential to note that these recipes require meat, as also referenced in Anthony Hapwood’s floppy disk recordings.

These recipes are exclusively for mutated variants and are intended to soothe (or distract) these creatures while you deliberate on whether to euthanize them or treat their condition.

Comprehensive List of Animal Food Recipes in Zoochosis

Below is a comprehensive table of all current animal food recipes in Zoochosis, along with the necessary ingredients for each. While your PDA tracks the posters, it does not retain the actual recipes.

Animal Recipe
Penguin 2 x Fish
Elephant 6.5 Herbal, 4.5 Vegetable
Giraffe 3.5 Herbal, 1.5 Vegetable
Gorilla 1.0 Herbal, 2.5 Vegetable
Hippo 2.5 Herbal, 2.5 Vegetable
Moose 2.0 Herbal, 1.0 Vegetable
Wallaby 2.0 Herbal, 1.0 Vegetable
Zebra 1.0 Herbal, 1.5 Vegetable


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