Complete Guide to Rose and Heart Locations in Roblox Adopt Me for Valentine’s Event Quest (2025)

Complete Guide to Rose and Heart Locations in Roblox Adopt Me for Valentine’s Event Quest (2025)

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the developers behind Adopt Me have launched an exciting new event, introducing a variety of new pets for players to collect. To obtain these pets, players must gather an essential item known as Hearts, which can be acquired through different means, including gathering Roses. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the various locations where you can find Roses in Roblox Adopt Me.

Locating Roses in Roblox Adopt Me

The Central Map in Adopt Me
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Similar to the Shining Stars from the Lunar event, the locations of Roses are not static and can appear anywhere on the map. Fortunately, the first Rose tends to spawn at a central location near the Nursery and the Valentine’s Day Event Area, as depicted in the image above.

Once you spot the floating Rose, simply approach it and collect it to trigger the appearance of several Hearts around you. After you gather the last Heart, an auditory cue will signal the growth of the next Rose nearby. Typically, this new location will be approximately 5 to 8 studs away from your previous location. Follow the sound cue to find all the Roses.

A Rose in Adopt Me
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

By continuing this approach, players can collect a total of eight Roses each day, amassing nearly 200 Hearts within that time frame.

Alternative Methods for Collecting Hearts in Adopt Me

In addition to harvesting Roses, players can gather Hearts from a special creature known as the Cupid Dragon, which appears every two hours in the game. Approximately 15 minutes prior to its arrival, a large Cupid Letter will materialize somewhere on the Adopt Me Islands. This serves as a notification for players to prepare for the Cupid Dragon’s appearance in that specific area.

To maximize heart collection, call upon your friends and other players in the game to gather around the Cupid Dragon. After a brief period, the Dragon will launch a Cupid Arrow, showering the area with hundreds of Hearts for all to collect. The more love players express, the more Hearts will fall!

Utilizing Hearts in Adopt Me

In Roblox Adopt Me, Hearts are essential for purchasing the newly introduced Valentine’s pets. Below is a list showcasing these special pets along with their respective costs in Hearts:

A Valentine's Pet in Adopt Me
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides
Pet Name Rarity Price
🐦 Love Bird Rare 2400 Hearts
Heart Bow Ultra Rare 1200 Hearts
Heart Heels Common 400 Hearts

Make sure to take advantage of the Valentine Event, which is set to run until February 28, 2025. Collect Hearts and redeem them for pets before the event concludes!

For more information and guides on Roblox Adopt Me, check out the Complete Adopt Me Lunar Event Guide (2025) or the Adopt Me Pet Ages & Levels List – Neon Stages!.

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