In the exhilarating world of Heroes Battlegrounds, there’s a distinct excitement in defeating an adversary while activating a comical or witty kill sound. For those fortunate enough to have recently gained access to the coveted Kill Sound Pass, we’re here to provide a selection of fantastic sound effects for your gaming adventures.
Complete Sound IDs for Roblox Heroes Battlegrounds
I’ve put together a collection of entertaining and sarcastic Kill Sounds for your enjoyment. Personally, I find “I Will Get You”and “Keep Trying”particularly delightful because of their humorous lines and playful tone. Check out the list to find the perfect sound that resonates with your mood and style.
Sound Name | Sound ID |
To Mimir | 8191363542 |
Spongebob Disappointed | 8877695896 |
Bass Boost | 8530485374 |
Bonk | 7574780072 |
Bro | 135359832 |
Calm Down | 327542232 |
Discord Call | 4548596370 |
Double Kill | 130819307 |
Fart | 1363204042 |
Fancy Date | 7102626945 |
Fetch Me the Soul | 7388737421 |
Funny | 4624390346 |
Go for a Walk | 7102705332 |
Grim Reaper | 7807987190 |
Hot Milk Meme | 7411605768 |
Honey | 7817025360 |
In Your House | 3538568082 |
I Want To Beat the Ladies | 8550333107 |
I Will Get You | 6555900326 |
Jiggle | 5212028128 |
Keep Trying | 4602357240 |
Kira Laugh | 7473415590 |
Laugh | 8937005838 |
Loud | 8179008527 |
Mortal Kombat | 6721975770 |
Man | 135578287 |
Meat | 6459815472 |
Nya Ichi | 6797864253 |
Orange Rhyme | 8598272174 |
Pathetic | 290774171 |
Perfect | 275278234 |
Pogchamp | 5993650338 |
Rake | 6343741731 |
Salad | 7251636785 |
Shame on You! | 8836275407 |
Shiver My Timbers | 8505675603 |
Smashing | 139888702 |
Search (XQC) | 7163786825 |
Some Russian Anime | 9124412954 |
Sorry | 8214068709 |
Spongebob Disappointed | 8904888220 |
Spongebob Mayonnaise | 340688214 |
Stoopid | 8243372178 |
There is Nothing I Won’t Do | 9058205566 |
Tokyo Ghoul | 8269391552 |
Toxic | 137521647 |
Unleaked | 9120077931 |
Under the Water | 5267482878 |
Wanna See Your Head? | 3267973938 |
Where is the Money Browski | 7214780619 |
You Like That! | 301022204 |
Modifying the Kill Sound in Roblox Heroes Battlegrounds

As is customary in Roblox games, you’ll need to buy the Kill Sound Pass within Heroes Battlegrounds to access the variety of Kill Sound IDs. This pass not only elevates your gameplay but also allows for personal touches to your experience.
For accuracy, ensure you copy the codes from the provided list rather than manually entering them.
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