Complete List of Satisfactory Console Commands for Cheating and Game Customization

If you want to enhance your gameplay in Satisfactory, there are numerous console commands that can help you customize and manipulate your experience.

You might desire the ability to fly freely in your world, enter debug mode, or modify the visual aspects of your game. Regardless of whether you’re playing solo or using a dedicated server, this guide will walk you through accessing console commands and their functionality.

How to Access the Console

To begin using console commands, first access the console by pressing the tilde/backtick (~/`) key on your keyboard.

After the command line appears, tap the key again to expand it into a larger window, allowing you to input the desired commands from the options below.

Functionality of Console Commands

How to make reinforced iron plate in Satisfactory
Coffee Stain Studios

Keep in mind that since Satisfactory has recently transitioned to its 1.0 release, some commands that were available during Early Access are currently nonfunctional. The following commands are not operational at this time:

  • Fly
  • God
  • Teleport
  • Ghost
  • Cheats
  • GiveItem

In addition to issues such as game crashes upon launch, players have encountered challenges with a few features following the full release. For now, you can only utilize the console commands listed in the table below:

Command Effect
? (without pressing Enter) Displays a list of all commands, both usable and unusable.
materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString] Identifies the items required for all craftable items per second. The item name is case sensitive, and the FString (item name) should correlate with the string indicated in the item’s Blueprint Path.
Gamma [number] Adjusts gamma (brightness) level.
Pause Halts the game. Press again to resume.
r.Atmosphere [0/1] Enables or disables the atmosphere.
r.Tooth [0/1] Enables or disables fog.
r.ViewDistanceScale Modifies the render distance for objects like trees and foliage (value is multiplicative).
foliage.LODDistanceScale Adjusts how higher-quality LOD models are displayed at distance.
r.Shadow.DistanceScale Modifies render distance for object shadows (value is multiplicative).
r.ScreenPercentage [percent] Sets the internal resolution scale.
r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight [number] Sets the impact of the current internal frame on the final image (range of 0-1).
r.TemporalAAFilterSize Determines the spread of TAA samples.
r.TemporalAASamples [number] Configures the number of samples for TAA (2-5 reduces jitter).
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen [number] Adjusts the amount of a sharpen filter.
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale [number] Regulates the level of detail for static meshes.
r.LandscapeLODBias [number] Alters terrain geometry visibility at a distance.
Grass.densityscale [number] Sets grass density.
pool.light.count [number] Determines the number of rendered lights.
pool.light.lightshaft.count [number] Sets the number of rendered light shafts.
Stat FPS Activates the FPS counter.
Stat Levels Displays information about level streaming.
United State Shows various statistics like Game time, Frame time, and GPU time.
Suicide Kills your character and respawns at the HUB.
t.MaxFPS [number] Sets the maximum frame rate.
FOV [number] Modifies the field of view.
ToggleDebugOverlay [0/1] Displays debug information.
SaveWithNewSessionName [name] Saves your current session under a new name.

Using Debug Commands

In addition to the standard console commands, you can experiment with debug commands. Each debug command follows the format: “ShowDebug DebugType[FName]” . The italicized portion should be substituted with any of the options in the table below.

No matter which command you choose, information such as your name, coordinates, rotation, instigator, owner, and base eye height will appear in the top-left corner.

Replace the italicized segment of “ShowDebug DebugType[FName]” with one of the options listed below for specific results:

Italic Replacement Effect
AI Presumably shows enemy or vehicle information.
AKAUDIOSOURCES Displays active audio sources count.
ANIMATION Presumably displays information on the current animation.
BONES Presumably shows bone connection info.
CAMERA Reveals camera position data.
CIRCUITS Displays information on circuits or power networks.
COLLISION Presumably shows information on collisions.
FACTORY Indicates the number of player-built structures.
FACTORYCONNNECTIONS Unknown. May cause lag.
FORCEFEEDBACK Reveals force feedback values.
INPUT Shows information about input methods and keys being used.
NET Presumably displays multiplayer connection details.
NONE Displays default information, hiding other details.
PHYSICS Displays physics-related statistics (player velocity, etc.).
POWER Unknown. May cause lag.
RADIATION Displays information regarding the radioactivity subsystem.
RADIATIONSPHERES Shows areas affected by radiation.
Reset Hides all debug details.
SIGNIFICANCEMANAGER Displays information on played sounds.
TRACKS Shows details on the railroad subsystem.
TRAINSCHEDULER Indicates train schedules.
TRAINSIGNALS Displays train signal info.
TRAINS Shows details on existing trains.
VEHICLE Reveals information on player’s vehicle.
WEAPON Displays data on currently held weapons.

That covers all known console and debug commands for Satisfactory!


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