Complete Neva Walkthrough – Unlock All Achievements 100%

Complete Neva Walkthrough – Unlock All Achievements 100%

Neva, developed by the creators of GRIS, is an engaging platformer that allows players to explore a peculiar, desolate world accompanied by a wolf companion. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, this guide is designed to help players achieve 100% completion by collecting all achievements and collectibles.

Neva Walkthrough Chapter 1: Summer

To fully complete Neva, you must obtain all 18 achievements. This includes finishing the game while collecting every collectible item along the way.

Following the initial cutscene, you will encounter more of the monstrous creatures that threaten the world. This chapter teaches you essential skills, such as jumping, dodging, attacking, and petting Neva.

Achievement – Loving

Achievement for petting Neva.
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To earn the Loving achievement, ensure you pet Neva twenty times throughout your gameplay.

Achievement – Provide

The criteria for this achievement may seem confusing; it refers to “feeding”Neva during Spring Part 1. Look for five specific spots where Neva will eat flowers, usually found beneath trees adorned with purple or orange leaves.

  • Initially, go left from the starting area, and at the end, you will discover an orange tree where Neva will eat.
  • The second tree can be found beneath the jumping platform, colored purple.
  • In the following segment, Neva will be positioned under a platform, unable to ascend by herself. You need to call her to jump over to the adjacent purple tree.
  • The fourth tree is adjacent to the third; lead Neva up there so she can have something to eat.
  • Lastly, after overcoming a sequence involving long hands, you will find another orange tree.
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Summer Collectible Flower 1 of 5

The first collectible flower can be found beneath the horizontal tree you traverse before falling into the water. If you see a giant crane, you have gone too far; retrace your steps beneath the tree to retrieve the flower.

First flower collectible in Summer.
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Summer Collectible Flower 2 of 5

After clearing the corrupted tree section, you will find another corrupted tree to cut through. After hopping over the platforms, use the tree you just cut to reach higher levels, where the next collectible flower is located.

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Summer Collectible Flower 3 of 5

Your next collectible flower is located near the enormous creature faces that appear, which you must defeat to clear away thorns. After defeating the face, return to this spot to collect the flower hidden beneath the thorns.

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Summer Collectible Flower 4 of 5

After a sequence involving a giant monster, running away, and getting separated from Neva, you will find yourself in an underground section. Move to the right to encounter a small jumping puzzle to reach the flower. Jump off the ledge, dodge, and jump again to collect it.

Fourth flower collectible in Summer.
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Summer Collectible Flower 5 of 5

This flower is along the designated path to proceed in the game. To collect it, roll off the platform to the left, dodge through the thorns in mid-air, and utilize your double jump to reach the platform where the flower is located.

Fifth flower collectible in Summer.
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Achievement – Wily

While battling the smaller monsters as the larger monster attacks with black hands, you can catch the large monster’s allies in its own attacks, granting you an achievement.

First boss in Neva: The Summer Giant

The initial boss you will encounter in Neva is a giant creature that has been pursuing you and Neva throughout Summer. This boss has multiple attack patterns, yet it is not overly challenging. The first attack consists of a sudden slam; dodging through this is an option. The second involves an AOE attack, initiated with a scream—best to avoid this by running away. The final attack is reminiscent; it releases a swarm of hands that venture across the bottom of the screen. Use a double jump and dodge in mid-air to mitigate damage.

The success in defeating the Summer Giant rewards you with two significant achievements:

Achievement – Germination: Completed Summer Part 1
Achievement – Sprouting: Completed Summer Part 2

Neva Chapter 2: Fall walkthrough

In Fall, players can collect a total of 10 collectibles, along with new enemy types and three achievable accomplishments within this chapter.

Fall Collectible Flower 1 of 10

As you advance and engage in parkour, you will encounter walls of flowers. The first long flower wall is situated on the right side of the screen. Instead of climbing it, slide down to locate a flower collectible underneath your initial platform.

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Fall Collectible Flower 2 of 10

To collect this flower, leap across the crumbling ground, ascend the lower right flower wall, then navigate to the lower middle platform. Jump, dodge, and then hop again to land on the smaller left platform, moving further up the flower wall above to discover a flower.

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Achievement – Mentoring

To unlock the Mentoring achievement, soothe Neva with the pet button while she holds one of the smaller monsters. Ensure you stand close enough to accomplish this during Fall Part 1.

Fall Collectible Flower 3 of 10

Upon entering the temple and confronting several avian foes, direct your attention to the left after defeating the first bird. You will discover a climbable flower wall above, along with one on the far edge of the screen. It will crumble if you attempt to climb it.

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Fall Collectible Flower 4 of 10

In the second part of Fall, at a checkpoint, a flower collectible can be seen floating left of the checkpoint. To reach it, jump from the checkpoint to a small floating pillar that has a bit of flower wall. Drop down, hop left, dodge, and grab onto the flower wall on another tiny floating platform. Continue this maneuver to reach the flower.

Flower collectible in Fall.
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Fall Collectible Flower 5 of 10

Following a pursuit sequence, you wake up on the fog-covered ground. Move left to spot a flower collectible on a platform. Jump to it, continue left, and climb the wall before returning to collect the flower.

Flower collectible in Fall.
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Fall Collectible Flower 6 of 10

Flower collectible in Fall.
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The next elemental collectible is in line with your path forward in the game. To the left of the platform, interact with a series of platforms that disappear. Employ Neva’s throw to stabilize them before jumping to the flower platform.

Achievement – Empathy

When confronting possessed animals, you can show respect by pressing the pet button before Neva howls. If you honor all four animal bodies, the achievement will unlock.

Empathy achievement in Fall.
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Fall Collectible Flower 7 of 10

In the area where the sky shifts to red, you will locate a region filled with hanging pillars. Obtain the flower with the help of the portals—see the linked video demonstration.

Achievement – Comfort

Achieving Comfort requires breaking all enemy statues in Fall Part 3. There are a total of twelve statues scattered throughout this section, identifiable by their distinct markings.

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Fall Collectible Flower 8 of 10

With Neva’s assistance, break the fragile rocks on either side and proceed through the level. You will eventually reach the other side and break through another set of crumbly rocks, which will cause the platform to collapse.

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Fall Collectible Flower 9 of 10

While ascending the flower wall, watch for a platform to the left. Leap over to it to access the flower collectible.

Flower collectible in Fall.
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Fall Collectible Flower 10 of 10

In the chamber containing three suspended pillars, fall through the left portal, then descend through the upper center portal. While in mid-air, dodge toward the flower wall for collection. Climb up to reach it.

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How to defeat the Final boss in Fall – Neva

The last boss for Fall is a reanimated corpse of Neva’s parent, who perished during the introductory cutscene. The boss possesses four primary attacks, all of which can be evaded.

  • Pounce: The beast leaps and slams down, creating an area of effect. To evade, roll to the side or double jump over it.
  • Bite: The boss will target you, delivering a bite attack from the left and then the right. Simply dodge sideways to avoid.
  • Twin Split: The creature divides into two, lunging to each side before converging in the center. Double jump to dodge this attack.
  • Slide: The enemy will sweep across the screen, leaving a trail of black goo behind. Dodge beneath it as it passes.
  • Open Mouth: When suspended in the air and wide open, throw Neva at her, then attack once she lands. This must be repeated three times to secure victory.

Achievement – Establishment: Completed Fall Part 1
Achievement – Growth: Completed Fall Part 2
Achievement – Dormancy: Completed Fall Part 3 (Hidden)

Neva Chapter 3: Winter walkthrough

In the Winter segment, it is assumed you’ll take the left path first during the second section. There are a total of 13 collectible flowers throughout this chapter, concluding all collectibles except the final one in Spring 2.

Winter Collectible Flower 1 of 13

At the start of Winter, prior to falling from the crumbling bridge, you’ll find a flower that appears out of reach. Jump onto the leftmost platform, dismount Neva while in the air, and then jump again. This will lead you to the platform with the flower, and you can continue your adventure to the right.

Flower collectibles in Winter.
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Winter Collectible Flower 2 of 13

In the beginning of the second section, several flowers are along your route. If you follow the left path, this flower will be the first you encounter. Jump to the lower platform, ascend the flower wall on the right, go to the top, then move to the left and down to reach the platform. Next, jump, dodge, and jump again to access the flower wall on the right. Climb to claim the flower.

Flower collectibles in Winter.
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Winter Collectible Flower 3 of 13

Climb the left side of the small structure and cross the top. Fight through a series of box enemies to progress. Jump to the flower wall on the far right, and subsequently to the flower wall in the middle. As you fall, dodge to collect the flower.

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Winter Collectible Flower 4 of 13

Locate another collectible flower beneath the left route. Jump to the far right of the screen, then hop onto the small platform at the bottom right. From there, spring to the broken box on the ground, and leap to the flower wall centered on the screen. Climb to the left platform, and utilize Neva’s throw to shatter a box, regenerating the box in the center, which will help you reach the flower.

Flower collectibles in Winter.
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Winter Collectible Flower 5 of 13

After navigating the left route, more flowers await you in the right route. This flower can be easily accessed by jumping over to the flower wall, climbing around, dropping down, and then dodging to reach the flower.

Flower collectibles in Winter.
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Winter Collectible Flower 6 of 13

Proceed right to find the next flower. After moving right, circle back left upon spotting the platforms. Climb up, defeat the enemies that spawn, then jump down and reach the flower platform.

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Winter Collectible Flower 7 of 13

After you and Neva revive the flower, ascend the flower wall and then jump over to the lotus. Climb the adjacent wall, and continue jumping across squares to reach the left platform with a flower.

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Achievement – Curiosity

Four hidden birds, glowing white, can be found throughout Winter. The first two are located on the left side of the starting area, and the other two can be spotted on the right.

  • The first bird lies along the left route from the start; it’s easy to spot if you jump for it.
  • In the left area with two large staircases and a breakable floor, find the second bird before falling.
  • Continuing to the right from the starting area, the next bird is perched high in a tree. Toss Neva to retrieve it.
  • During the mirrored section, locate another bird on the lower and upper screen platforms.
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Winter Collectible Flower 8 of 13

Jump onto the upper platform with the enemy positioned centrally, then leap across to engage it in mid-air. This action will launch you high enough to reach the flower wall on the right.

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Winter Collectible Flower 9 of 13

Activate the gong to lower the right side of the platforms. Once lowered, head left and hop onto the middle platform right above the gong, then jump over to the flower on the right.

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Winter Collectible Flower 10 of 13

Drop through the central puzzle section, then strike the gong on the right to descend under the puzzle, leading directly to the flower.

Flower collectibles in Winter.
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Winter Collectible Flower 11 of 13

In the puzzle involving moving platforms, you will need to perform a series of steps. Jump to the flower vine, then climb downward. Release and dodge or leap to the lower flower wall. Drop down, reach the far right platform, hit the gong, climb back up to the left platforms, drop to the gong, hit it, and reach the flowers on the left. From there, jump to the large flower wall in the upper right. Finally, leap from the flower wall to the flower on the left.

Winter Collectible Flower 12 of 13

To obtain this flower, hit the gong, then swiftly jump and dodge toward adjacent platforms beside the statue. This causes the flower to drop into your possession.

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Winter Collectible Flower 13 of 13

The final flower for Winter is situated above the enemy controlling the moving staircase. Move into range for an attack, prompting the enemy to hit the right side once more. Leap down as it strikes a second time. Climb up the right flower wall, jump onto the stairs, and execute a double jump off the top stair, dodging backward to the top-center flower wall. Ascend to collect your flower.

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Achievement – Longing

In Winter Part 2, if you call Neva five times when she is absent, you will unlock the Longing achievement.

How to defeat the Final boss in Winter – Neva

The Winter finale features a two-phase boss battle. The initial phase sees you battling alone, while Neva joins you for the latter phase. Expect to encounter consistent attack patterns across both phases.

  • The Big Swing: The boss unleashes a broad swing covering approximately one-third of the area. Jump over or dodge this attack.
  • Down Swing: A downward sword strike by the boss; this is best dodged by jumping over it.
  • Flying Leap: The boss launches herself, slamming down, sometimes combined with a large swing attack—easily evaded.
  • The Slide: The boss glides across the screen, leaving a trail of dark slime behind. Jump over this attack.
  • Defender: If facing each other on an attack, the boss will block all your moves; it’s essential to strike from behind.

Achievement – Flowering: Completed Winter Part 1 (Hidden)
Achievement – Pollination: Completed Winter Part 2 (Hidden)

Neva Chapter 4: Spring walkthrough

Spring features a singular flower collectible in Part 2. At the onset of Spring, move to the left instead of continuing right to find the flower on the ground.

Flower collectible in Spring 2.
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Achievement – Blossoming: Collect all collectibles
Achievement – Seed: Complete the Game

Achievement – Memories

After Neva aids Broma onto the jumping platform, you will find numerous white arches and pillars to walk through. A pink tree beneath them will prompt the main character to sing when standing closeby.

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