Complete ‘The Truth’ Quest in Star Wars Outlaws: Tips on Stealing and Stealthing

In the Star Wars Outlaws quest titled ‘The Truth’, characters Kay and Riko must covertly enter an Imperial space station to acquire Sliro’s security codes, critical for their return to Canto’s mansion. Mastery of stealth is vital, as triggering an alarm means immediate failure.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to successfully navigate this intricate mission without being detected.

1. The Truth Quest – Star Wars Outlaws

The Truth Quest
The Truth Quest | Source: In-game footage

Having completed the Legacy quest in Star Wars Outlaws, our team is ready with ND’s fix and both Riko and Asara onboard. Now, Kay must infiltrate an Imperial space station in ‘The Truth’ quest to obtain Sliro’s access codes, where stealth is pivotal to avoid detection.

To initiate the quest, converse with Riko located on the lakeshore in western Akiva to commence the final mission sequence.

Beware that starting ‘The Truth’ represents a point of no return, sealing your path into story quests until the end of the game. Ensure you’ve unlocked necessary skills and accomplished quests for optimum rewards. The open world can be revisited post completion of the main storyline.

2. Break into the Station

Break into the Station
Break into the Station | Source: In-game footage

Step 1: Navigate the Lambda Shuttle

  • Exit the shuttle and advance to the right.
  • Press the button on the cargo sledge to shift it forward, ensuring you remain on the right to block enemy sight lines and stay undetected.

Step 2: Evade Security Cameras

  • Follow Riko down the hallway to the right, sidestepping the security camera past the first door.
  • Position yourself behind Riko and peer through the window to the right to locate the power switch for the camera.
  • Send Nix to disable the camera before overriding the security door panel.
  • Nix can also pilfer a Personal Commlink from the officer in the adjacent room along with some Transparisteel from the desk beside him.

Step 3: Avoid the Guards

  • Sneak up on the guard to the right and neutralize her.
  • Slice the terminal at her workstation to gain access.
  • Open the security door and shift the cargo sledge to the next room to avoid immediate detection by stormtroopers.
  • Proceed after Kay and Riko complete their dialogue.

3. Traverse the Conveyor Belt

Traverse the Conveyor Belt
Traverse the Conveyor Belt | Source: In-game footage

Step 4: Disable the Camera

  • Proceed down the hall, veering left until you can send Nix to disable the oscillating camera’s power button, located down the hall and to the left.
  • Make your way to the next room and claim the valuable Crystalline Earrings from the treasure chest.
  • Return to the cargo hall.

Step 5: Deactivate Power and Eliminate Officer

  • Navigate to the far end of the cargo hall, bypassing Riko’s monitoring room, and enter the door on the right.
  • Eliminate the officer present on the right.
  • Utilize the panel on the wall behind him to disable the power.
  • (Optional) Read the datapad located by the window.

Step 6: Access the Conveyor Belt

  • Now that the door opposite Riko’s room in the cargo hall is open, enter while maintaining a low profile to avoid detection by Imperials on the other side of the window.
  • Descend onto the conveyor belt and walk to the other end, then climb up the platform on the right.

Step 7: Perform Stealth Takedowns

  • Stealthily approach the nearest enemy and take them down silently. Have Nix detonate the gas canisters nearby for cover.
  • Execute stealth takedowns on the remaining two enemies without alerting them.

4. Infiltrate the Data Extraction Hub

Infiltrate the Data Extraction Hub
Infiltrate the Data Extraction Hub | Source: In-game footage

Step 8: Navigate the Maintenance Tunnel

  • Drop into the next segment of the conveyor belt and access the maintenance hatch on the floor.
  • Travel through the tunnel until you reach the end and swing across the chasm. Ascend the wall to the left to get to the elevated platform.

Step 9: Activate the Shutter and Extend the Platform

  • Pick up the Durasteel next to the terminal and stand on the gantry overlooking the chasm.
  • Command Nix to operate the shutter on the left wall. Utilize your Ion Blaster to charge the capacitor inside, and repeat for the second shutter to the right.
  • A platform will extend, granting access to the ladder on the opposite side. Climb the ladder and turn right to find another ladder leading to a chest filled with treasures.

Step 10: Reach the Data Extraction Hub

  • Directly ahead from the first ladder, gather the Durasteel against the wall. Enter the vent on the left and navigate the dark tunnels until you reach the end.
  • Override the chest inside to procure a Direct Energy Circuit.

5. Wipe the Droids’ Data

Wipe the Droids' Data
Wipe the Droids’ Data | Source: In-game footage

Step 11: Neutralize Enemies

  • Enter the second room, which is occupied by Imperials and Viper droids. Conceal yourself behind crates to prevent detection.
  • Be cautious of gaps between crates where Storm Troopers can observe you. Have Nix set traps on alarm panels to gain extra time if spotted.
  • Move around the room in a clockwise fashion, avoiding or neutralizing the officer at the right terminal.

Step 12: Deactivate Viper Droids

  • Use the terminal on the far left wall to deactivate a nearby Viper. Utilize smoke from vents as cover to proceed.
  • Neutralize or evade the Storm Trooper in the corridor.
  • Advance down the hall to the room containing the required terminal. Stealthily approach the two officers, deactivate the remaining Vipers, and wipe their data.

Step 13: Access the Turbo-lift and the Vent

  • Proceed into the hall on the left and take the turbolift to the next section. Evade patrolling foes.
  • At the turbolift’s bottom, Riko will open the door on the left. Use crates to stay hidden from stormtroopers.
  • Enter the door on the right, crouching low. Sneak past the officer at the terminal and into the vent.
  • A cutscene will momentarily interrupt your journey, but the route is otherwise straightforward. Override the lock at the end to transition into a new corridor.

6. Find Sliro’s Security Codes

Find Sliro's Security Codes
Find Sliro’s Security Codes | Source: In-game footage

Step 14: Enter Sliro’s Private Chamber

  • Observe through the window on the left and send Nix to unlock the door. Inside, have Nix and Kay simultaneously press the levers on the left.
  • Fire a standard blaster shot at the power core to unlock Sliro’s private chamber door.
  • Hack the terminal on the left side of Sliro’s room. The large door in the hallway will open, leading to the bridge.

Step 15: Escape through the Ventilation Shaft

  • Utilize the vent on the left to access the bridge discreetly.
  • Move towards the front and slice the terminal located at the fore of the bridge.
  • Focus on eliminating enemies rushing toward the alarm panel if a confrontation ensues.
  • Give Riko access and trigger the ventilation shaft to facilitate your escape.
  • Go right at the end of the shaft to enter another vent, then proceed through the door ahead and to the left, followed by another vent.

7. Leave the Station

Leave the Station
Leave the Station | Source: In-game footage

Step 16: Reach the Docking Bay Gantries

  • Eliminate the officer by the door and stealthily move across to the stairs. Enter the large door at the top and open the panel on the floor across from the holo table.
  • Turn left at the end of the shaft and pass through the doors leading to the docking bay gantries.

Step 17: Navigate the Docking Bay Gantries

  • Swing across to the opposite platform.
  • Climb along the wall to the right to ascend to the support structure above. Walk along this structure.
  • Rappel down the far side to reach the ground level and move through the door behind you into the vents.
  • After exiting, continue along the path, ascend the ladder, and descend a rappelling wall.
  • Scale along the underside of the cargo lifts to reach the other side.

Step 18: Escape the Station

  • Pillage the chest against the wall and rappel down to reunite with Riko.
  • Make your way through the final doors and across the docking bay floor.
  • Avoid attracting attention and make a direct beeline for the Lambda shuttle to execute a clean escape.

With this comprehensive guide, you’ll efficiently complete “The Truth” quest in Star Wars Outlaws. Remember, staying stealthy is key. May the Force be with you on this thrilling heist!

8. About Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is an anticipated action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft under the licensing of Lucasfilm Games. The game takes place in the Star Wars universe, during the timeline between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

This single-player, third-person action-adventure title is set in an open world and will incorporate mechanics such as stealth, open combat, vehicle combat, space combat, and branching dialogue.

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