Completing Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2

“The latest seasonal event in Destiny 2 is Arena: Breach Executable. Failsafe has assigned you with the mission of gathering data on Nessus to assist her in understanding the situation. Follow these steps to successfully complete the task.”

Destiny 2 has launched its inaugural installment of the year, Echoes, which introduces a malevolent presence that has arrived on Nessus. Your objective is to defend against the altered Vex, and this can be achieved through the newly introduced seasonal event, Arena: Breach Executable.

Unlocking Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2

To gain access to Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2, it is necessary to finish the initial Echoes quest. This task should start automatically upon logging in, but if you happen to leave the missions at any time, you can resume by returning to the H.E.L.M.

After finishing it, consult with Failsafe at the H.E.L.M. and finish the Arena: Breach Executable event, which can also be initiated via the H.E.L.M. This will commence the quest line for the episode and grant you entry to the seasonal activity.

Arena: Breach Executable seasonal activity in Destiny 2

You can launch the activity again from the H.E.L.M.

How to Complete Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2

To defeat the Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2, you must successfully complete three tasks. Although the specific tasks may differ, every challenge will culminate in a boss battle.

The primary objective of each task is to obtain data cubes, which resemble Vex cubes. Once the progress bar on your left has reached its maximum, you can then place the cubes in the designated pylon nearby. Upon successfully depositing enough data and completing all tasks, you must defeat a boss to finish the activity.

Data cubes in Arena: breach Executable in Destiny 2

The data cubes will look like Vex cubes with lights shining out of them.

When it comes to completing tasks, here is the way to successfully accomplish each one that you may encounter:

Install the Analytic Sequencer

At regular intervals, you will be required to stand on designated pools of Vex milk in order to install them and obtain cubes. However, caution must be exercised, as they shoot out a powerful stream of Vex milk that can result in instant death.

While standing on the capture point, you will begin to take some damage just before the fountain of Vex milk appears. This indicates that you should step off the point for a brief period, until the milk subsides, and then you can resume capturing.

As soon as you have acquired all three points, three Signal Directors will emerge, and it will be necessary to defeat them in order to finish the task.

Redirect the Vex Signal

Redirect Vex Signal activity in Destiny 2

You need to shoot the nodes with Minotaur weapons to break them.

In Arena: Breach Executable, another task you may encounter is to redirect the Vex signal. You must defeat Minotaurs in the vicinity and utilize their weapons to shoot at the nodes that appear above you.

After removing the nodes, additional data cubes will also appear for you to collect.

Arena: Breach Executable Rewards in Destiny 2

Upon finishing Arena: Breach Executable in Destiny 2, a chest containing rewards will be available to open at the conclusion of the activity. Additionally, there are a few methods to obtain bonus rewards.

Activate a Planetary Assimilation Piston

Participating in this additional challenge during Arena: Breach Executable will earn you extra rewards at the end. Simply locate the Planetary Assimilation Piston while battling enemies.

While they may appear in various locations, typically you can discover them nearby the data pylon as you move between encounters.

Crimson Radiolara in Destiny 2

Collect Crimson Radiolaria for extra rewards.

Collect Crimson Radiolaria

If you happen to come across any peculiar collectibles while participating in activities, be sure to collect them. Utilizing the Planetary Assimilation Piston will also generate a significant number of these items for you to discover. With the Tracking Mod equipped on your ghost, you can easily identify them using the same icon used for planetary materials.

By picking them up, you will receive a plethora of extra seasonal rewards in Destiny 2.

If you’re still in the process of finding all Prismatic Fragments, our comprehensive guide also includes their locations for your convenience.

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