Comprehensive Guide to Frostpunk 2 Building Effects and Acquisition Methods

The primary gameplay mechanic of Frostpunk 2 revolves around city building, featuring a variety of Building Effects based on the placement of specific Districts, Hubs, and other structures. To assist players, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide detailing these effects.

How to Acquire All Building Bonuses and Debuffs in Frostpunk 2

View of Positive Building Effects on Map in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

In Frostpunk 2, Building Effects manifest as Bonuses and Debuffs when you create a district or building in proximity to another structure. These effects can lead to various outcomes, such as enhanced Heat due to communal living or increased Disease from nearby Extraction Districts creating pollution.

Certain effects are unique to specific Hubs.

The activation of these effects occurs consistently. When planning a new District or Hub, ensure that at least three tiles of existing Districts are adjacent to the new structure or within the range of the Hub’s effects. This proximity triggers the associated buffs or debuffs, impacting the wider population.

It’s simple to discern whether you’re receiving a Buff, Debuff, or a combination of both from your Building effects. When attempting to establish a new District or Hub, adjacent tiles will illuminate in blue, red, or a combination of the two. Blue indicates full bonuses; red signifies exclusive debuffs; and striped tiles denote a mix of buffs and debuffs from that location.

Comprehensive List of Building Effects

Below is a list of all Building Effects identified to help you track their impacts on various Districts.

Building Effect Description How to Unlock
Heat Bonus (Flame Icon) When built near other structures, a new District produces up to 20 additional Heat, mitigating Cold effects on the population and lowering Fuel requirements for warmth. Construct any District adjacent to another District or the central Generator. Building a Heating Hub next to any District also qualifies.
Shelter Bonus (House Icon) Increases available Shelter for the population, thus decreasing the need for additional Housing. Establish Housing Districts within Ice Crevices for protection from the harsh environment.
Disease Bonus (Needle Icon) Proximity of factories to food sources exacerbates Disease. Build Industrial, Extraction, or Logistics Districts adjacent to Housing Districts, or vice versa.
Squalor Bonus (Crumbling Square Icon) Factory proximity to Housing increases Squalor levels. Similar to Disease Bonus: construct Industrial, Extraction, or Logistics Districts near Housing Districts, or vice versa.
Material Bonus (Square Icon) Reduces Material demand in nearby Districts, restoring up to 40 Materials per District to the available pool. Research and build a Maintenance Hub adjacent to Extraction, Industrial, or Food Districts.
Workforce Requirement Decrease Minimizes the Workforce needed for running a District. Establish appropriate Stockpile Hubs next to relevant Districts (e.g., Food Stockpile Hub near Food District, Materials Stockpile Hub near Extraction District). An Air Transport Hub next to any District also applies.
Efficiency Bonus (Gear Icon) Boosts Resource output in Districts due to enhanced production methods. Construct a Rail Hub adjacent to any Extraction, Industrial, or Food District.
Crime Reduction (Handcuffs Icon) Reduces crime levels in surrounding Housing Districts. Build a Surveillance Hub next to a Housing District or near any district with Subsidized Housing.
Tension Reduction (Lightning Bolt Icon) Decreases tension levels within nearby Housing Districts. Establish a Fighting Hub next to a Housing District or any district with Subsidized Housing.
Trust Bonus (Ribbon Icon) Enhances trust levels in adjacent Housing Districts. Create a Communication Hub next to a Housing District or any district with Subsidized Housing.
Disease Decrease Reduces Disease levels in neighboring Housing Districts. Construct an Emergency Medical Hub adjacent to any Housing District or any district with Subsidized Housing.
Heat Decrease Lowers Heat output while increasing demand due to wind exposure. Build any District near the raised edges of the constructible area.

The Necessity of Building Effects

Having established the importance of Building Effects, you may wonder whether they are essential for a successful run in Frostpunk 2.

The answer isn’t straightforward. While positive Building Effects certainly enhance gameplay, simplifying resource management, they are particularly advantageous when facing higher difficulties, where challenges abound.

Conversely, it’s possible to progress without ensuring every District is adjacent to another. Strategically spacing Districts might circumvent negative repercussions, despite potential bonuses.

Adapt your strategy as needed; Building Effects offer valuable advantages but don’t feel compelled to rely on them exclusively.

Now that you are well-versed in Building Effects and their applications in Frostpunk 2, explore our other informative guides, particularly those on quickly acquiring Goods and the strategy of whether to Embrace or Defeat the Frost.


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