Comprehensive List of All Deadlock Console Commands

Deadlock is an exciting 6v6 MOBA and third-person shooter game that allows players to choose from a diverse roster of heroes, each equipped with unique abilities to battle opposing teams. The game features console commands that enable players to customize various gameplay settings and enhancements.

How to Use Console Commands in Deadlock

Before delving into the available console commands, it’s essential to know how to activate the console. Simply press F7 while in the game to access the developer console. Then, you can input your desired command and hit enter to execute it.

Complete List of Console Commands in Deadlock

Please note that some commands can only be utilized in private lobbies and may require enabling cheat mode first. You can activate cheat mode by entering the sv_cheats true command in the Deadlock developer console.

Command Value Description
changelevel map Change to different maps or levels. ‘street_test’ is the primary map, with others accessible via tab.
changeteam 0: Select team 1: Spectate 2: Join The Amber Hand and select hero 3: Join The Sapphire Flame and select hero
dump_hero_names Displays a list of all unreleased and currently available heroes.
selecthero hero_name Input the name of a hero to switch to that hero if it’s available.
trooper_kill_all Eliminate all troopers.
bot_kick_all Remove all bots from the match.
citadel_hero_testing_enabled true/false Enable or disable the Testing Tools menu within the hero sandbox.
citadel_spawn_all_heroes_in_a_line Spawn all enemy team heroes in a straight line in front of you.
exec citadel_botmatch_practice_6v6_easy.cfg Fill all player slots with bots.
citadel_hud_visible true/false Show or hide the player HUD.
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere true/false Permit or restrict buying items from anywhere on the map.
citadel_player_move_speed_scale number The default value is 1. Increase the value to enhance movement speed.
citadel_enable_no_hero_death Activate god mode to avoid dying.
citadel_disable_no_hero_death Disable god mode and allow the player to become vulnerable.
citadel_hero_testing_infinite_money true/false Use true for unlimited soul points and ability points.
citadel_pause Pause the current match.
citadel_enable_fast_cooldowns Activate rapid cooldowns for abilities. Replace enable with disable to turn off.
citadel_enable_fast_stamina Enable quick stamina regeneration. Replace enable with disable to deactivate.
citadel_weapon_damage_multiplier number Increases weapon damage using a multiplier.
disconnect Exit the current match.
quit Close the game entirely.
explode or killme Causes instant death.
hurtme Inflict 10 damage on yourself.
healthpct 0-100 Set your health percentage to the specified value.
npc_destroy name Eliminate the specified NPC, or the one you are currently targeting if no name was provided.
reset Reset your level, abilities, and soul points.
getpos Retrieve your current coordinates.
setpos number Move to the specified coordinates.
selecthero name Switch your hero to the specified character.
bindss [player] [key] [command] Bind an input value to a specific key.
unbind [key] Remove any binding from the specified key.

Console Commands to Modify Server/Matchmaking Region in Deadlock

citadel_region_override -1 Auto
citadel_region_override 0 North America
citadel_region_override 1 Europe
citadel_region_override 2 Asia
citadel_region_override 3 South America
citadel_region_override 4 Oceania


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