Comprehensive Train Guide for Factorio 2.0 | Exploring Factorio Space Age

Comprehensive Train Guide for Factorio 2.0 | Exploring Factorio Space Age

As you expand your factories in Factorio 2.0, you will likely find yourself constructing them at greater distances from one another. This is particularly true when resources like water and oil become necessary, causing some production facilities to be situated far from your central base. One efficient solution to manage the logistics of these resources is by implementing a train transportation system.

Ultimate Guide to Trains in Factorio Space Age

Establishing Your Train Network

Image credit: Prima Games
Image credit: Prima Games

For a successful train system setup, ensure you have the following components:

  • Train station
  • Locomotive
  • Tracks

Automating your track production is crucial, as you’ll require hundreds to build an extensive train network alongside each new factory. Additionally, tracks are essential for crafting the production science pack (the purple potion), making their automation nearly a necessity.

Once your tracks are established from location A to B, you should install two train stops to clearly designate these points. After placing the stops, attach a locomotive to one of them.

To facilitate deliveries, add cargo wagons behind the locomotive. Click on the locomotive to access a remote view of its schedule. Navigate to the schedule tab to rename your train stations for clarity, minimizing confusion.

Refueling Your Trains

Image credit: Prima Games

Before addressing the operational conditions, start by setting up an automated fuel source at one of your stations. You can transport coal on a conveyor belt and use an inserter to transfer it into the locomotive near the train stop.

At this station, you’ll want to implement the “Full Fuel” condition. This ensures the train won’t depart until its fuel tank is full while at this station. With this setup, your train can seamlessly execute round trips between station A and station B. Feel free to add more stations, provided that the train returns to a refueling point. With a refueling method established, you can set your train to “automatic,” located above the two tabs in the remote view.

Understanding Train Condition Settings

Image credit: Prima Games

The available conditions are numerous and can seem complex, yet you’ll find that only a handful are commonly used. Below is a table that outlines the various wait conditions for train stations along with their functions:

Train Wait Conditions Description
Circuit Condition Waits until a predefined condition based on circuit network signals is satisfied. This allows the train to pause based on user-defined signals such as item counts or fluid levels.
Empty Cargo Waits until the train’s cargo hold is thoroughly empt. This is beneficial for unloading stations to confirm that all items have been offloaded before leaving.
Fluid Count Waits until a designated amount of fluid is present in the cargo. Important for ensuring a minimum or maximum fluid quantity before departing.
Fuel (All Locomotives) Ensures all locomotives on the train carry a specified fuel level, suitable for extended journeys.
Fuel (Any Locomotives) Waits for at least one locomotive to have the required fuel level, ensuring the train is operational even if not fully fueled.
Full Cargo Waits until the cargo is completely filled, ideal for loading stations seeking to maximize payload before the train departs.
Full Fuel Waits for the fuel inventory to be entirely full before the train leaves.
Has Cargo Waits until at least one item exists in the train’s cargo. This helps prevent an empty departure after loading.
Inactivity Waits until the train has remained inactive for a specified duration. Useful for scenarios where loading/unloading isn’t immediate.
Item Count Waits until a specific item quantity is in the train’s cargo, assisting in maintaining desired stock levels per trip.
Passenger Not Present Waits until there are no passengers onboard the train, assisting in automatic control when the train isn’t occupied by a player.
Passenger Present Waits until passengers are onboard the train, assisting in automatic operations.
Station is Full Waits until the destination station is fully occupied by other trains, which aids in managing traffic congestion.
Station is Not Full Waits until there is available space at the destination station to prevent unnecessary train queues.
Time Passed Waits until a specified duration has elapsed, allowing for timed departures regardless of the cargo or other conditions.

To effectively apply these conditions, consider the purpose of the station where you’re imposing each condition. For instance, on a station that transports items like Stone or Iron Ore, apply the “Full Cargo” condition at the loading station and the “Empty Cargo” condition at the unloading station. This strategy ensures your trains operate efficiently, departing only with adequate resources.

To alleviate potential resource bottlenecks, consider incorporating inserters that will unload materials into a container. This will balance the time needed for additional loads to arrive at the unloading station.

If you’re utilizing blueprints created by other Factorio players, there are some that come pre-equipped with a built-in train system, which can help simplify logistical considerations.


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