Continued Filming Sparks Criticism After Chinese Singer in Her 50s Suffers Serious Injury

According to China Daily’s report on May 21st (local time), the production team of ‘The Detectives’ Adventures 4′ faced criticism for not intervening when singer and actress Na Ying fell.

A video was shared on Weibo that day, showcasing the filming location for ‘The Detectives’ Adventures 4′. The footage captured Na Ying stumbling and falling while running around aimlessly, and struggling to get back on her feet.

The Detectives’ Adventures 4 Na Ying

Despite Na Ying being on the ground in a skirt, the cast and crew surrounding her remained indifferent and continued filming. They directed a camera towards Na Ying, stating, “We’ll capture a beautiful shot of you,”while the crew repositioned themselves to capture her lying down.

Upon its release, the video spread rapidly, causing the phrase “Na Ying fell”to reach the top of Weibo’s trending topics. Netizens expressed their thoughts with comments such as, “Na Ying is almost 60 years old and should be shown some compassion,””Watching her fall is painful,””It’s disheartening that no one came to her aid,””She is a human being first, not just a celebrity,”and “The production team should reflect on their inaction while she fell.”

Origin: daum

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